Radiant Soul Sisters Podcast – Lindsey Fritz

Welcome to the Radiant Soul Sisters Podcast!

Episode #26

Today my guest is Lindsey Fritz, Motivational Speaker

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Oh my listeners. Today is going to be such a fun episode because I have the energetic and amazing Lindsey Fritz here with me today. Lindsey is an amazing young woman who works in the corporate world, and knows how to make the most of life. She truly is creating a life she loves, whether that’s at work, running, or as a motivational speaker. Lindsey and I are connected in our Build Your Life Resume community, no surprise. But I met Lindsey just before boarding the bus when we both were attending driveway to hell. And from there, we got to connect a little bit more as we were hiking through the beautiful woods in Rome, Georgia. When Lindsey is around, she brings great energy and her radiant soul shines a bright light. She truly knows how to create a life she loves and empower others and I am so grateful. I have had the opportunity to get to know Lindsey. Lindsey, welcome.


Thank you, Susan, it’s so great to chat with you again, I remember immediately hitting it off with you at driveway to hell. And I’m so glad that we’ve kept in touch and I love seeing all that you’re doing and all the guests that you’re bringing on. So let’s do this.


Let’s do it. Thank you. Thank you so much, Lindsey. So Lindsey, one of the things that I love to do is kind of give our listeners a little glimpse into who I am talking with, right? And what has helped to make you this beautiful woman that you are today. So would you share with us one of your favorite childhood stories?


Absolutely. There’s so many, especially with my mind and energy. I was all over the place as a kid. But I would have to say one of my favorite memories is having the opportunity to grow up in the restaurant industry. My dad owns a seafood restaurant. He’s owned it for over 22 years since I’ve been alive. And just I think that you can’t teach what you learn in a restaurant. You can’t find that job description on LinkedIn. You just learn the lessons by, you know, watching my dad working there as a child and then throughout my whole life. I’m about to go home for the holidays, and I’m gonna jump right back in and work with him again. So I think a lot of who I am has come from the restaurant and from his example. 


Right, well, you’re right, the restaurant business is very much like how I was raised but I was raised selling women’s shoes. I sold, you might not know this though. My dream when I went to college. My first undergrad degree is in food service management. Yes. And yeah, my dream was to go to Atlanta and open a restaurant but God had different plans. He put a small town farmer in my life. And so I never made it back to Atlanta, but that’s okay. And I never had a public restaurant but I ran one in my home for our family is what I say.


Do you do Uber Eats? Can I order from New York?


That’s right. That’s right. Well, listen, Lindsey, I know that when you were in college, you were featured on the Kelly and Ryan Show. You were featured on Good Morning America and on The Ellen Show Instagram page. And now, I know being a college graduate, you’re out there and you’re speaking on stages in talking about some really cool things. But one thing you love to share with people is your pizza philosophy. What is that? Share a little more about it.


Well, if that isn’t my favorite question, I don’t know what is talking about pizza every single day. It’s probably the most used word in my vocabulary. But anyways, pizza it all started I think I was having it for dinner one night five years ago this week, actually. So it’s a big week for me. I really wanted to go to Fordham University. That was my dream school, it checked every box on my list, but I didn’t have the best grades or SAT scores in high school. So on paper, I was not the best candidate and there were a bunch of other girls applying from my high school. So I’m like, okay, I gotta figure out how way to really make myself stand out. So I used what I had for dinner that night and I wrote a letter to the dean of Fordham admissions, the office, about my life being a pizza. And I was like, listen, grades and SATs scores are one slice of Lindsey like, look at all the slices, the toppings that Fordham would add. And it’s still in their office to this day like it is now the philosophy that I apply not only to college and my career, but just life in general, like everything I do is a slice of who I am. And I hope that I can inspire and motivate others to look at all the slices of their pizza.


Oh, my goodness. So I have goosebumps. And kudos to you for being so creative. And for going after your dream. You know, at 18 years old, I’ve heard you say, you know, you enjoyed high school, you had a good time. And when it came time to go to college, like you said, when it looked at the paper, the SATs scores, the grades that might not have been there, but the whole person was there. And just asking someone to give you that chance. Oh, Lindsey, that’s an incredible story. I love it. And thank you, thanks for sharing it with us. So Lindsey, you know you’ve graduated, you do work in corporate America. We talked about you always are running races, you’ll even sign up for one the day before and get out there and run and you’ll do it. And when I say races, listeners, I mean in half marathons or marathons, I’m not meaning a 3k or a 5k. Lindsey has it going on. But you know, there’s a lot of life lessons that come, our listeners obviously can’t see us. Lindsey is one of my younger friends that I love that keeps me young listeners. What have you learned about being a business woman?


Well, I’ve learned a lot over the past nine months in the working the real world, corporate America. If you met me or saw me, you’d probably be like, how corporate America but I think this one lesson that I’m about to say is something that I’ve applied to my role in and out of the office. And I think that it’s you versus you. And I think I go to work every day, not trying to be better than anyone around me, like, you’re only as good as the people around you. I want to be around the best people that are going to inspire me. But I never compare myself to what they know or what they do or how they perform. I just want to be better than I was yesterday. Better than I was a month ago, a year ago. And I think that is how I succeed and how I just bring my all to my job. Also, you know, we just talked about running. When I go to a race, I’m not there to try to win, I’m not there to try to be the best in my age division. Yes, I’m competitive, but I’m just trying to be better than I was yesterday. So I think all about you versus you. And of course being around people that inspire you, but never compare yourself to them.


Comparison is the thief of joy. I wished I had learned that at your age instead of when I learned it in my late 30s or early 40s. Because that is such a true statement. You know, and be you I hear you say that, you know, try to be better than you were, that 1% rule. Just try to be 1% better every day at who you are. And when you do that you show up as who you are. And that’s why your light shines so bright. You’re showing up as who you are. Lindsey you’re not you’re not trying to be somebody else. Right. 

So okay, we’ve talked about this, you are a busy person. And I say that not in a bad way. Because sometimes people take the word busy in a negative way. I use busy to describe you, really maybe energetic would be better. But someone who is always looking for the next best opportunity, whether it’s to run a race, or volunteer, or speak on stage, whatever it is, you know, when we’re doing that. Lindsey it’s hard to keep work life harmony. It’s really hard to do that. Do you have a secret or a tip or a way you keep work life harmony?


Well, I think it’s an ongoing journey. I think it’s something we all are learning every day as we go. And I’ve definitely experienced like, you know, the college craziness trying to go out every night in New York City and then wake up the next day and work and go to school. And I feel like I’m getting older now because I need to go to bed early. But I think the most important thing for me and when I do the best at work and then just in life in general is when I have a lot of the different slices of my life going on. So I’ll give you an example. If I wake up early and go for a workout, and then go to work, I do so much better than if I were just to wake up and go to work. Because my mind is already going, I’m feeling productive. I love fitness. So it just, you know, I already have a few slices going for my day, or if the night before a big, you know, meeting or something, I have a gathering with my friends, my happiness jar is like full. So I go into work the next day, and I’m like, I’m full of joy and ready to bring my all. So, again I think it’s just, you know, trying to do the best you can and all the different slices of your life. 


I like that your happiness jar is full. That’s a good one. Lindsey. I like that. I like that as well. Yeah. So fine. So you know, I wish our listeners could see you because if they could see you they would see your eyes shining, they would see your beautiful smile and just could really not only feel but see the energy, right? Lindsey what you do every day or most days or as often as you can to keep your radiant soul shining.


I think I practice gratitude every day on top of pizza. The other you know, I’m raising my vocabulary thank you. Like, I literally went in my text messages and I typed in thank you. And it’s in so many conversations. I think I tell my friends and roommates like how much I appreciate them every time I’m with them. It might sound cliche, but I’m just a very grateful person. That’s how my parents always taught me to be, someone could just like hold the subway door for me from it from closing. And I’ll be like, oh my gosh, thank you so much. Like they just gave me a million bucks. And I think that, being grateful, it’s like that feels your happiness jar too. And if you’re grateful, like you’re gonna appreciate every experience every person for what it is good or bad. The lessons you take away and I have never felt worse by saying thank you or being grateful.


There you go. There you go. That’s a real key to it. And, you know, when you’re genuinely grateful for things, anything, like you said, it fills your happiness jar, right? But you never know what other people are going through in that moment. And you never know what looking someone in the eye and saying thank you means to them. Right?


Retweet. I wish I could retweet that!


Well, we’ve got it recorded. So listen, and then you can retweet. Oh my goodness. Lindsey. It is always so much fun to be around you and to have great conversations. And I do have one more question for you. But before we get there, you know I know that you would like to tell our listeners how they can get in touch with you and follow along. I like to tell myself some days I just need to go see what’s happening on Lindsey’s page, see what her adventures are right now or or live vicariously through you. So I know that if anyone is listening and is looking for someone to give an amazing motivational speech, they’ll want to connect with you or an inspiring or empowering speech. How can people find you Lindsey?


All right, you can find me on Instagram @Lindsey.Fritz. That’s where you can find my spontaneous adventures, maybe me falling on my face running around in a costume. You never know where I’m going to be. And then my more professional side, you can find me on LinkedIn just Lindsey Fritz but yeah, I try to keep it real. You know, some people have finstas or close friends stories. For me, it’s just all in one. I like to keep it real. 


That’s for sure. You’re gonna get to know the real Lindsey Fritz. We will put it in the show notes. But to spell her name. It’s Lindsey. That’s it. So I’m gonna let you spell your name again both first and last name even though it’ll be in the show notes.


Okay its Lindsey.Fritz. 


Perfect and that is how people can find Lindsey and I can guarantee you she will make you smile. So if this episode has you thinking about how to put yourself first or maybe take in the pizza philosophy. You will want to check out all of the other episodes or check out my socials at SusanCrewCo.com is where my website is. So Lindsey, one last question for you.  And I’ve learned so much from you today. I love the pizza philosophy. Looking back on all that you’ve shared or thinking about the young woman, or the middle aged woman, or someone who needs to hear another tip, suggestion, or your biggest piece of advice for living a life you love, what would be that one thing you would share with us?


All right, it’s only three letters. But it’s something that’s kept me going and kept me chasing my goals. It’s NTP. And that equals not the peak. So every time you do something big or small, like there’s always something more to work towards, like, you’re never going to be at the peak. I want to be 100 years old doing karaoke in the nursing home. Like, that’s not even the peak for me. And I try to share that message with everyone around me. You know, I’ve had like a really good high school experience, college experience, job experience so far, and still so much more to go. But when I’m, you know, even out of high moment, I’m like, okay, this, this is not the peak. So it always, you know, helps me to motivate myself and hopefully, motivate others. Like I asked my grandmother that question like, “what are you going to work towards today? Or what’s your goal? What’s on your pizza?” So just remember that there’s always something ahead. Whether you’re having a good day or bad day, it’s not the peak.


It’s not the peak. I love that. I love that. Yeah, there’s always something more and there’s more ventures to live, no matter how old we are, whether you’re in your 20s, your 30s, your 40s, 60s, and 80s. You know, we see people of all ages around us in our community doing amazing things. And I love that Lindsey. I definitely will tell you I will take away the pizza philosophy today and the NTP, not the peak. Lindsey, thank you so much. Thank you for being here today. And listeners, we hope you’ve enjoyed your time here listening to Lindsey on the Radiant Soul Sisters. Next up, we will be shining our light on another beautiful radiant soul sister who is creating a life she loves and living with work life harmony. Till then I’m your host, and you can find all your resources on SusanCrewsCo.com.