Stop Waiting & Start Living with Bobbie Casalino-Lewis

Are you stuck in a waiting period in your life because you’re afraid to live? We’ve been taught that aging is scary, yet it’s something we should embrace. Bobbie Casalino-Lewis joins us to share what 70+ years of life has taught her, why it’s important to enjoy every day, and how you can start living today!

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Meet Bobbie:

I grew up in the NY metropolitan area during a time (1950’s-1960’s) of major change.  That era and a desire to be just like Pollyanna shaped my view of the world and embedded in me a clear understanding of how important the way you visually present yourself really is.  My clothes were either hand-me-downs or what I was able to produce on my treadle Singer sewing machine. Understandably, finding my personal style began early on. In those times, if you dressed like a “protestor or hippie” you could easily find yourself being swept into that category whether or not it was your intent. “Boppers and Rah Rah’s,” the fashion you chose defined you. Fashion is a moving target, it’s like produce:  the better your selection, the longer it will last. Style, on the other hand is the most important aspect of how one visually presents themselves. The colors, textures, cuts and fit are critical aspects to making picture perfect, first and lasting impressions. Humans are visual creatures; blame it on the caveman. We “size” up one another and basically decide friend or foe in less than 30 seconds.  ​

Favorite Childhood Memory

Bobbie’s grandmother had a friend that Bobbie called uncle John—he was a religious leader. He had a house in Barnegat on the Jersey Shore. As a young child, she and her siblings went to the beach, then his house after, yet his soul had such an imprint on her. That memory is very near and dear to her heart, as her environment in human design is the shores.

So, That’s What 70 Looks Like

On August 15th, 2020, Bobbie woke up as a 70-year-old. She slapped her leg and said, “So that’s what 70 looks like.” In that moment it hit her—this was her book. It was beyond instantaneous how the idea of this book was born. The book is dedicated to all women (young and old), because she wants them to live, not wait.

It’s an encouragement to celebrate your birthdays and continue to learn. For Bobbi, that means learning something new every year! This year, she’s participating in an eight seater row team and starting the education for her private pilot’s license—at 72-years-old.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.


One Tip to Make a Difference in Your Life

There is a difference between surviving and thriving—unfortunately, we often are stuck in the waiting period. Stop waiting and start living. Don’t look at aging as the worst thing that could happen—look at it as the best thing that can happen.

Connect with Bobbie:

That’s What 70 Looks Like 

Review the Transcript:

Susan Crews
Why do we think we need to wait to create a life we love? Why not get started now? I can’t wait for you to hear Bobbie casalino Lewis, talk about why wait to create this lovely life the day before her book. That’s what 70 looks like launches. Are you dreaming of having the time and energy to create a life you love? Is your calendar full of events? And you’re thinking, there’s no time for me? Do you look like you have it all together on the outside, but on the inside, you’re a hot mess. You’re frustrated and tired all the time. Susan Cruz shines the light on successful women and a few men who have busted the exhaustion cycle by prioritizing herself, released any guilt and have found inner peace while creating a life they love filled with harmony. Join Susan’s candid conversations to learn how these successful women illuminated their inner light to create a radiant life. Welcome to the radiant soul sisters.

Susan Crews
Oh my goodness, I am so excited about today’s podcast episode, I have one of my newer friends. Actually, she’s very dear to my heart because we are both projectors. And I met her at an event in Boulder, Colorado. And this is my friend, Bobbie casalino. Lewis. She is a jewel, she is full of fun. She’s chic. And she’s smart. All in equal measures. Bobbi, welcome to today’s episode.

Bobbi Casalino-Lewis
Good morning. I can’t think of any better way to wake up and start my day than to be chatting with you. Can you believe we only met a month ago? Right? It

Susan Crews
feels like we have been friends forever. But I think we’re just so connected in so many different ways.

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
I know when I turned around, sitting in the in the auditorium, and you were over my right shoulder and restart and I started tapping your foot immediately. I knew I knew we were in for it.

Susan Crews
We definitely have some great connections. And as I said, I treasure your friendship. And listeners, Bobbi is just such a cool person. She is a spiritual, intuitive style expression expert. And what the heck does that mean? I’m gonna let Bobbi tell you a little bit more of it. But boy, it really resonates with me. Bobbi, what does it mean?

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
It means that I look inside to see where your essence and your glow is. And then we bring that out and then spin a magical web around you utilizing that the visual expression of how you show up to be representative and aligned with who you are on the inside. So if you remember Dr. Kelly I dressed her for each one of the days morning an afternoon of her living a limitless three day event. And she said I just feel so empowered. Because I’m aligned they’re seeing me and I’m seeing me aligned to what’s coming out of my mouth. And she said you know there were certain parts where I didn’t even know it was coming. It just did. So it’s really powerful, really powerful.

Susan Crews
You know I’ve I’ve got goosebumps as you’re saying that and I was so fortunate to really witness this and you know Dr. Kelly even talked about there that you went in the day before the event. You go in you get in her closet and you look around and started pulling out outfits, things that she had in her closet that she would not have even considered wearing on stage. I specifically remember her talking about her cowboy boots. When you you know you said here this is what you’re going to wear the first day and it was a jumpsuit and cowboy boots. She was like my cowboy boots. What about heels or something in you’re like No,

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
this is you. And she felt like

Susan Crews
a rock star. She talked about it and the beauty of it in the 3d Man, I think for the last day you ended up going and buying like a jacket, you know, right before, but everything else came out of her closet. And in listeners, Bobbi can do this virtually as well as in person. So if you’re sitting here thinking, Oh, I could never work with Bobbi, I don’t live near her. Oh, that’s so far from the truth. You can she can do it do it all virtually she has a really great system, which we’re not going to get into the system today that that’ll be another day. But I want before we get into the purpose of today’s call, I want to ask you one question, Bobbi, would you share with us one of your favorite childhood memories?

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
Yeah. When you asked me that question, pre call, something popped into my head and I hadn’t even thought about it for such a long time. But I decided that was it. Because without going into long story, I don’t really have a lot of favorite childhood moments. And that’s also a story for another day. But this one that popped into my head we had, I had a bachelor uncle, he wasn’t a real uncle. He was a really good friend of my grandmother and grandfather’s. And his name was Uncle John and Uncle John. I think he was some sort of pastor or, I don’t know, some sort of religious leader and had a lot of just had so much I remember having so much spirit, and he was a roly poly kind of guy round face, sort of balding hair and round body. Anyway, he had a house down the shore in New Jersey, at Barnegat, Barnegat light, which is a point on the Jersey Shore that has to converge in current. So it’s a notoriously pretty rough water, even if you only end up to your knees. And I remember we went down there, there were three kids at the time. I’m the oldest of four. There are three kids at the time, and I probably remember it because it’s probably one of the only photographs that I have of all of us smiling. And we were sitting at his table and I don’t know if we were eating crab Crab or you know, something along those lines, but we had had a date the beach and then we were having a seafood meal at his house and he was just like Santa Claus to me. When I think of that moment. I thought what ever happened to him? I lost track of him I’m sure he’s long gone now but I lost track of him but what an imprint that soul had on mine.

Susan Crews
Interesting I love that story. And I love the fact that you guys were at the beach enjoy in the water in the sunshine because that is very near and dear to your heart.

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
Yes, it is in my human design, which I don’t know if your your listening ship is familiar with but my environment in human design is the shores. And I I live in Los Angeles, but I’m fighting in New York and everybody kids me all the time. They said Bobbi, you know, it’s time to own your Angeleno. And I said, I will never be an Angeleno. And of course, the next question is why. And I said, I’ll always be a New Yorker living in LA, because the ocean out here is on the wrong side. So my orientation is always going to be east coast. So that said, I’m a New Yorker living in LA, like well,

Susan Crews
and we have beautiful coasts and beautiful shores and beaches on the East Coast. Okay, Bobbi, so let’s get into the meat of today’s call. I am super excited because tomorrow is a special day for you the day that you waited for for a while. Tomorrow your book. So that’s what 70 looks like. The essence of Aging Gracefully is going to have its big launch day.

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
How does that feel? You’re making me cry it’s it’s been three and a half almost. Yeah, almost three years making not because it took me that long to write the book. But we had some circumstances over the last couple of years that just I put it on pause put it on the shelf for a bit and did a little did some other things. But yeah, and you know, it’s it’s like most other things in life it’s Hurry up to wait. So but we’ve got I think all the pieces in place and and we’re gonna put it out there to the world tomorrow, which is why

Susan Crews
I am so excited for the world to be able to get it i listeners have had the privilege of seeing the cover. And it is absolutely beautiful. And I know that the message in the book is going to be fabulous. So Bobbi, tell me what inspire Would you to write this book

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
and not that probably not the normal route, but I woke up on my birthday, my 70th birthday, August 15 2020. And I had always wanted to, I always do something different on my birthday, particularly grand things on my zero birthdays. So I couldn’t go to Greece for another. For the sixth time, I wanted to go. And, and I couldn’t, I didn’t have a lot of options available to me to try something new physically. So I thought I woke up in the morning, and I had been told so many times by so many people, you have what, how old are you? What, so I just, I woke up, I slapped my leg, just like that. And I said, so that’s what seven day looks like. And there was an there it was. And I got on the phone, right then and there and called my photographer. And I barely explained the concept to her. And she goes, I’m your girl. And I reached out to my publisher, who was also someone I had interacted with, I had done an onstage transformation for her, which completely changed the direction of her life, you should see, the before and after pictures are just unbelievable. I mean, she went from Granny to hacia. And, and she said, you’re on and it’s your birthday, and we’re going to do something special for you. So it was instant, if I tell you it was instantaneous, it was even faster than that. That’s awesome.

Susan Crews
That is awesome. I like I said, I just cannot wait for the world to be able to get their hands on it. And for all the places you’re gonna go and share the story in person and can do book signings and all the juiciness that’s going to come with it. I’m super excited. So Bobbi, you know, you work with women, and you help us to be the outer version of our inner selves, you help us to make our radiant soul shine, you know, bring out that light in us. What is the, the message? Or what is it that you want every woman to know who gets your hands on your book?

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
Well, the the book is dedicated to all women younger and older than they write because I want them to live. Not wait. I love that. And to you know, there’s lots of words, you know, they’re very popular now like full expression of themselves. It’s another thing, you know, I just like to consider myself Pollyanna and see the crystal and the brightness inside of everyone, even if they don’t see it. And that’s even more rewarding to help people look in the mirror and see themselves in a different light. Because they feel themselves in a different light. I like to use a quote lately that was by Damien Sanders. He’s a football coach. And he says, if you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you play good. If you play good, they pay good. I love that quote, you’ve,

Susan Crews
you’ve shared that with me before. And I love that quote. And I love the fact that that you just you you truly the look into other women’s eyes, and you’re Hey, I see you. I see the beautiful light within you. And I know that one of the things you have taught me just like you said in the month that we’ve known each other is on our zero birthdays, do something big, you know, do something really rewarding. I really have only been celebrating my birthday, for 12 or 13 years now, you know, we had little celebrations. I’m not saying we didn’t do anything, but I mean me really celebrating another year of life. Right? And I love that you’ve done this so long. And I was actually sharing with my friend on a hike. The other day I said my friend Bobbi who’s getting ready for her book to launch. Every year she learned something new this year. What is it you’re learning to do? Well,

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
two things this year, actually one I’m already in the process. I put my my butt in the seat of an eight seater row. So I go down to the Marina del Rey at six, six or five in the morning and I get with seven other rowers and a coxswain and we get in a boat and we grow together. So it’s I get one paddle, and they call it swing, I think they call it because all of our oars have to be in the water at the same time. That’s where that comes from. And it’s just amazing. I’ve wanted to get in for a long time, but extenuating circumstances I was on the waitlist for this school a bunch of times, but this time, my finger hovered over the button, and I pushed it and it went through and I was in. So I’m learning to row. And then the end of the year, I’m going to start the education for my private pilot’s license, because my son’s an Air Force pilot now. And I want to be able to fly with him in a private plane, co pilot with it.

Susan Crews
See, I love that. And you’re 70 Almost Well, in August, you’ll be 73 years old. So the message here is ladies, it’s never too late. We can get started today. Think of the quote, what is that quote

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
is today is the first day of the rest of your life. Yeah,

Susan Crews
that’s a good one. There we go. I love that one. So yes, sir. Thank you. So So listeners, I just love connecting with Bobbi. And as I’ve said, she helps you to pull the light from within you to shine beautiful. And if this has you thinking about how you might like to shine bright, or how you might need to bring your life further out into the world. Feel free to connect with me in the radiant soul sisters Facebook group, or connect with Bobbi, on social medias, and all the links will be in the show notes. Bobbi, I always like to ask my guest, if you had one suggestion, or one tip you could leave our listeners with today. What would be the one thing that could make a difference right now?

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
Well, I sort of tipped it earlier. But it’s it’s the difference between surviving and thriving. And I just see so many people waiting, waiting. So pleased. I think there’s two parts in life. You wait, where you live. So I say you take the waiting, and you get rid of it. And you just live right now, right in this moment, right in this day, and do things, do things that light you up, because your light is going to spread to those around you. And that’s how we can lift all of humanity. That’s why this book is a platform for me. I’m so happy to now have it. I built the platform myself. But oh, what doesn’t matter. And now I can go out and I can encourage other people, you know, to in young girls too, because young girls are feeling it just as much as older girls are. But so no, don’t look at aging. Don’t look at aging as the worst thing that could happen. Look at it as the best thing can happen that can happen. And I want all women, regardless of they’re a year younger than me or 50 years younger than me to be where I am now with me themselves sooner so that then they can then enjoy it longer. So don’t wait. Please don’t wait.

Susan Crews
Don’t wait. Start now loving yourself. Wow. And creating a life that you love. Because when you do that, it brings so much joy to yourself and others right, Bobbi?

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
Absolutely. Absolutely. It’s contagious.

Susan Crews
It is contagious. listeners. Tomorrow is the big day you can purchase your book of that’s what seven days looks like the essence of Aging Gracefully on all the platforms where you buy your books. Be sure and get yours tomorrow and look for Bobbi out and about where she will be sharing her book with the world. Bobbi, thank you as always for your time together.

Bobbie Casalino-Lewis
Thank you, Susan. I cherish it.

Susan Crews
Thanks. That was a fun episode of the radiant soul sisters. Thank you for choosing to tune in. Be sure to join me next week when I shine the light on another beautiful woman. Till then I’m Susan cruise, your host and be sure to check out my website at Susan cruise where you will find all the podcast episodes and resources for our community.