How I Learned to Love Exercising

Oh dear…the number on the scale is too large!

Now I need to exercise MORE and eat less! I will get up before everyone else, hit the gym, run a few miles, lift some weights, and before bed jump on the treadmill at home to burn more calories and add a few more miles to the day! 

This would go on for months! Exercising was a way of losing weight and that was it!   Whenever I wanted to be thin I would jump on the eat less, exercise more, and set out to achieve my goal of weight loss.  But, there was one problem with this…I was miserable, going about weight loss and an exercise regimen in the wrong way and that’s why I would get burned out and QUIT!


Does this sound familiar to you? Have you ever started to exercise simply to lose weight?  

With this type of exercise, I was actually abusing my body.  I was denying it the foods it needed for nourishment and punishing myself with exercise.  No wonder I could not make a plan stick.   Even as I would lose weight and get a fantastic-looking body there was no love or appreciation for my body.


Decision Made

I decided to embark on living a healthy living lifestyle. A new way of living, eating, and moving my body and mindset was created. I decided that I needed to move a minimum of 30 minutes a day and I had to do exercises that I liked so it would be sustainable.  

I began with a running program with the goal of running a marathon before I turned 50.  That did not happen for a variety of personal reasons, but what did happen was I learned to love running and completed 2 half marathons in my 50th year!

Today, I do not run as often, but I do exercise regularly and LOVE what I choose to do.  My favorite forms of exercise are walking, running, spinning, yoga, and tennis. The variety of forms of exercise helps reduce the risk of burnout. 


Choose carefully and wisely!

Loving to exercise is easy when you are choosing something you like, want to learn, and fit in your lifestyle that supports being healthy. As successful aging women it is important to MOVE OUR BODIES! An exercise program for a 30-year-old and a 60-year-old should look different. 

Implement these 7 simple steps to get you started or consistent in your exercise routine!

  1. Start with a simple plan.  I wanted to MOVE my body for at least 30 minutes a day and the goal was to love my body NO MATTER WHAT!  I was not exercising to lose weight, but to become healthier.  This mind shift was critical for my success!
  2. Start small.  I started with a walk/run plan; one that challenged me yet did not physically or mentally stress me out. Then as I got stronger and better, I upped the intensity or duration.
  3. Get OUTSIDE! I learned to enjoy the fresh air and the beauty around me in my community. There’s something magical about being outdoors. 
  4. Find a running partner.  Someone with a little more experience than me, but not a marathon runner.  We worked together to get better.
  5. Listen to Good MUSIC!  I enjoy creating a running/walking playlist.  When I ran my first half marathon, my family was not able to go, so I asked each of them to send me a good running song for my playlist and that would be their form of encouragement.  To this day, when I hear those seven songs I think of my husband and children.  
  6. JUST SMILE…always when exercising!  You should feel good about what you are doing for your body.  On a side note, this is BMRD (before my running days), I had a friend ask if I have ever noticed runners don’t smile. So, why would I ever want to run if it is that miserable?  I made the decision as a runner I would SMILE!  I smile and wave at the cars passing by, and I always speak to the people I pass.  Some wave, some smile, some don’t…that’s ok. Try it, you might like smiling, too!
  7. Begin with an end in mind.  I knew I wanted to be healthier and that is my driving force to exercising. One day I may run and the next I do yoga…the truth is it doesn’t matter what I choose as long as I purposely move. What is your purpose for beginning an exercise plan? 

Let’s do this!

Are you ready to begin MOVING your body at least 30 minutes a day?  The health benefits are amazing and you may even shed a few unwanted pounds along the way and boost your energy level, too!
