Finding a Custom Skincare Routine with Emme Diane Linehan

Have you found a skincare routine that helps your radiant soul shine? In today’s episode, Emme Diane Linehan joins us to share why she’s so passionate about providing clean and customized skincare products for everyone. Listen in as she shares what her journey has looked like in building Emme Diane, along with a few tips she has for business owners and those looking to create a better skincare routine.

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Meet Emme Diane:

Emily Diane Linehan, affectionately known as Emme Diane by her clients, was inspired to solve seemingly unsolvable skin issues from her own early struggles with problematic skin. Her passion has led to more than 20 years of professional experience in both medical and spa esthetics and now Emme Diane is sought out by clients from all over the world who turn to her when nothing else has worked.

Focusing on correcting the most problematic skin concerns, including acne, melasma, sun damage, and premature aging, Emme Diane uncovered the simple fact that almost every skincare line was full of products that were making these issues worse for her clients.

Determined to change the industry and give her clients the very best, she obsessively researched and formulated Emme Diane skincare to create true skin transformations for her clients.

Favorite Childhood Memory

When Emme was a little girl, she used to lock herself in the bathroom, gather together makeup and skincare, and put on little imaginary shows. Similarly to the way she records tutorials and Instagram reels for her customers today. This favorite childhood memory has come full circle for Emme as she’s built this brand to help women establish a skincare routine that works for them.

Emme’s Journey to Building Emme Diane

As soon as Emme found out that she could build a career in the skincare world, she knew that she wanted to be an esthetician. She dropped out of high school and immediately went to school to become one. She built her skillset and reputation in the industry, before ultimately launching her own brand, Emme Diane.

She saw a problem in how many products offered a solution for correcting skin issues, but that solution didn’t last long before the problem came back worse than before. Thanks to her mentors, she learned why that would happen, yet out of integrity, she struggled with recommending products to her clients.

That’s when she got into formulating and built her own product line. Emme Diane has become a nationwide brand and a multi-million dollar company over the last 10 years.

Customizing a Skincare Routine

Every skin type is different, which means that so many of our routines need to be customized. Not only are the products we use important, but the way we use them determines whether or not they are going to work for us. That’s why Emme Diane offers a free online consultation form to take a deep dive into what you need.


Changing Lives through Skincare

One of the most powerful and beneficial experiences that Emme Diane has felt through the brand she’s built is the lives she’s changed. Our skin is so important to us, marking the first impression people often see, but also impacting careers. Whether it’s someone getting denied to join the military due to their skin being a medical condition or a bride wanting to feel confident on their wedding day, a skincare routine can be life-changing.

Work/Life Harmony

I think I think that there’s different phases in business where it’s just you know, like the business needs more attention and you just can’t really get around that. But automating, delegating, and eliminating are key to work/life harmony!

Skincare Tip

Consult with a professional, because there a lot of confusion on what is out there. A professional will help you understand what you specifically need.

Connect with Emme Diane:

Skin Theory Podcast


Review the Transcript:

Susan Crews
I love to hear a good story. And today’s episode has a fabulous story that we will get to hear from me, Diane, me Diane has created some of the best skincare products on the market. And why? Because she wanted to offer her clients a skincare product that did not have damaging ingredients. You know our skin is the largest organ on our body. And oftentimes we don’t even think about what we’re putting on it. listen in today and learn me Diane’s fabulous story and about these her amazing skincare products.

Speaker 2
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Susan Crews
Are you dreaming of having the time and energy to create a life you love? Is your calendar full of events? And you’re thinking there’s no time for me? Do you look like you have it all together on the outside, but on the inside you’re a hot mess. You’re frustrated and tired all the time. Susan Cruz shines the light on successful women in a few men who have busted the exhaustion cycle by prioritizing herself released any guilt and have found inner peace while creating a life they love filled with harmony. Join Susan’s candid conversations to learn how these successful women illuminated their inner life to create a radiant life. Welcome to the radiant soul sisters

Susan Crews
listeners today you are in for a real treat. I have Emme Diane from Arizona in this episode and we are going to learn about an amazing skincare product. Emme Diane has spent over 25 years as a medical and spa esthetician in what she noticed was that many of the products we were using, were making the condition or the challenge of our skin worse. So she has taken her knowledge and created an amazing product. Ma I am so excited you’re here today and cannot wait to learn more.

Emme Diane
Thank you I’m super excited to be here too.

Susan Crews
But me Diane one of the things that I love to do when I’m talking with guests is I like to get a little bit of background knowledge or hear some stories about who created this amazing woman or how she was created. What is one of your favorite childhood stories?

Emme Diane
Oh my gosh, one of mine which is like so telling of today is that when I was a little girl I used to lock myself in my bathroom. And this was like long before the internet existed and I would set up some skincare products that I had and then I would pretend to do a little skincare tutorial as if I was being videotaped for like a vlog or like a real today. And I I was just obsessed with I don’t know I just talking about skincare learning as much as I could. And then obviously I had a passion for teaching people you know, locked in the bathroom by myself, but that’s one of my favorite childhood memories. And it makes me laugh Today because now today, I’m literally doing that on my Instagram and social media. And so I, you know, like I said, I think that sometimes the childhood memories they can, or like childhood activities that are so memorable can be really telling of like who we become today. So yeah, I,

Susan Crews
I totally agree with you. And it was really interesting a guest that I interviewed just the other day, she literally broke into tears during our podcast interview when I asked this question, because her answer was when she was a child, she used to love to brush her grandmother’s silver, gray hair, and it was really long. What she does now in her 60s Is she edits and has a magazine, the tangled silver women. And she had never put that connection together.

Emme Diane
Yeah, that’s huge. is special. Oh my gosh.

Susan Crews
So when it was really when I when I’ve read your notes before we got on the show, and then you and I were talking prior to, I’m like, oh my goodness, here’s another one of those beautiful stories of you being a child, right and creating videos of skincare, not knowing that this is going to be what you did. I, I love it. It’s so beautiful, such a beautiful story. Well, as I mentioned, I know that you have been in the skincare industry as an esthetician for over 25 years. So I know you have seen a lot of people with a lot of different skin challenges. And this has led you to creating your own brand in the Diane. So tell us a little bit about that journey. And then tell us a lot about your products and how you got there.

Emme Diane
Yeah, so like you said, I’ve been I’ve been an esthetician forever. I think the only other thing I’ve done this long is like breathe, to be honest. So and you know, to tell you the truth, I’m actually a high school dropout. And I knew I wanted to go to esthetics school, right? Right away. For whatever reason, I just when I learned that being an esthetician was a thing, like a job. I was like, this is perfect. I’m all in. And so I knew that’s what I wanted to do. And I jumped in headfirst. And, you know, I was very, very fortunate to have gained a lot of experience from the jobs that I had and spa aesthetics. And then I helped open a medi spa and got kind of that view. And and then to be honest, the reason I started my businesses I got fired not from, you know, something I did wrong, it was I was not flexible enough. And the doctor I was working for had signed questionable practices, unfortunately. So you know, I my reputation meant more to me than that. So that’s when I started my own business and right, you know, out of that I really had grown this niche for helping people with the most problematic skin types, and especially adult acne just simply because I’ve been a lifelong acne sufferer. But the problem was, is that, you know, there were so many products out there that claim to really help clear acne. And while a lot of them kind of work, and then you start breaking out again, I learned from some really amazing mentors, the exact reason why that was. And so when I started my own business, I began to feel really out of integrity with what I could recommend to my clients because I knew why the products weren’t working. And so it was it was at that point, I kind of threw my hands up and I’m like, forget it, I’m just gonna do it myself. And I got connected with some cosmetic chemists and kind of got clued into the world of formulating and I started with one product at a time, I had no money. And I just grew the product line as I had money come in, from you know, my services and everything. And so now you know, we’ve grown today to be a multi million dollar business, we sell our products nationwide, but also worldwide in some cases and I’m blown away by what it’s become just simply because when I started formulating the products, I really intended it to only be for the clients I saw in person in the treatment room. Okay, it kind of exploded one day when a client of mine had a cousin in the Midwest who was like could you help me with my skin? And I’m like, I don’t know let’s try and so I had her email me some pictures and we kind of troubleshooted things and I sent her products and told her how to use it. And it worked and I was like this is awesome and kind of everything spread word of mouth from there but I blog before online consultations for skincare were a thing so I like to kind of think I maybe was one of the pioneers in that area. I would So so. So everything kind of grew organically from there. And I think it’s one of those things that like, you know, good news spreads fast. And if we’re making real and lasting transformations with people’s skin like that news definitely spreads fast. So that’s kind of how we grew to where we are today, I honestly had no business plan or any idea that it would just become what it is. But I’m super grateful. And I’m super excited about it, and super excited for our future too. So

Susan Crews
just hearing your story makes my heart sing. And there were several times during the, during your story, I got goosebumps, because several different things you say just number one couldn’t bring hope to so many women for so many different things. Number one, if you have a passion or something that you love, and you have the vision, or the idea, go for it. And you started with one product, one product, because you didn’t, you said I didn’t have a lot of money. And so I started with one product, and you built from there. And look what you’ve built in how many years has it been.

Emme Diane
Um, so that has been about oh, gosh, so probably, like 10 years now 10 years, 10 years,

Susan Crews
you know, to be doing millions of dollars of business in 10 years with no business background, right. And really, because you were sort of put into the situation of gotta figure it out now. And you wanted to help people with adult Agni is what you were starting with, you know, because you could relate to that. So you were relatable, you understood the situation. So that in itself is such an amazing story. But then, you know, what I have learned, and what I didn’t know, for years, is cosmetic companies can put a lot of different stuff in our facial products, that some of them don’t even have to be labeled. And then some of them, you can’t pronounce them. So how in the world does the average person know what they do? Mm hmm. Very true. You know, and so you aligned with your integrity, with what was in your heart and what was right for people. And you have created these lines. So what was the first product you created? It was

Emme Diane
our clarifying serum. And I would say that that is like a main staple in a lot of my clients. skincare routine. It’s an element Dalek acid serum with a little bit of niacin, amide and lactic acid, so it’s very anti aging. Okay, it’s natural brightening properties to it by it also is really fantastic at addressing the root cause of acne, which is the clogging of the pore. So it helps to dissolve the the bonds that hold dead skin cells together in in the pore, which causes the clogging. So it’s kind of like a Triple Threat product, in a sense, because it does so many things. So super proud of that one.

Susan Crews
So is that a product? So like someone like me, I’ve never had trouble with acne, I didn’t have trouble as a teenager. I think during one of my pregnancies, I might have had a few bumps, you know, but other than that, I’ve never really had a problem. Is that a product that I would want to use to? Or is no, it’s really more for someone who experiences adult acne.

Emme Diane
Really great question. I mean, for you right now, I would probably puts you on our pro retinol. However, the clarifying serum is really great for people who do want to focus on like anti aging and brightening, but they have maybe more sensitive skin, or this is a product that I’ll put people on if they are pregnant or breastfeeding, because retinols are contraindicated at that time. So yeah, you know, because of the anti aging and brightening properties, it’s I mean, it’s really great for almost any skin type. So yeah.

Susan Crews
So I know that I asked you a question. Of course, you can see me, but our listeners can’t see us right now. If you can’t see them and tell what their skin looks like. How can they find out which one of your products or which group of your products would be best for them? Can you tell us how to do that?

Speaker 3
Yeah, so this is something I’m super passionate about, because I think a lot of people don’t realize that, you know, it’s not just about which products you’re using. It’s also about how you’re using them, because if not used correctly, you’re They’re not going to get any kind of benefit and just a lot of problems or you’re not going to get the maximum benefit. So th at’s why I created our online consultation form. It’s free, and I go. And basically, I do a deep dive with clients where I get to learn more about their skin type, the type of concerns that they have. And then I also take into account any outside factors that could be affecting their skin too, like diet or lifestyle habits. And I think a lot of people don’t realize that, you know, you could be using the most amazing skincare line. But if you have certain habits, it can really make or break how effective it’s going to be for you. So I take a truly a like holistic approach to skincare, just simply because I know that it’s not going to work perfectly for you unless we get you super dialed in. And so this is a free resource that I’ve had pretty much since I started my business. And it’ll always be free because I truly believe that it’s like every human’s right to know as much as they can about their skin. So my motto has always been like the best way to have beautiful skin is to become your own skin expert. And the consultation form guides you through that, as well as giving you those personal recommendations for the products and then also instructions on how to use them. So it’s like foolproof, you know?

Susan Crews
Yeah, right. Well, I love a couple of things that you said. First off, you mentioned that it also talks about habits or the foods you’re eating because that is a critical part. You look at the whole person because it’s very important. If you have a really cruddy diet, and you’re using the best skincare in the world. You’re right, you might not get clear skin, right? No. And it’s, it’s not your skincare problem, you know. So I love that because, yeah, I love that. The other thing is, I think people forget that our skin is our largest organ. It is an Oregon, just like your heart, just like your lungs are all your other organs, your liver, kidney, all that stuff. Your skin is an organ, and it has very specific roles to play. So taking care of it and being your skin’s best advocate. That’s what I heard you say? And I’m like, How true is that? Do you find? Do you find that to be true? People forget that our skin is an organ. Yeah, and

Emme Diane
you know, definitely so important to take care of it like your heart and during like cardio and things like that. But I think to making sure that you understand that, again, it is an Oregon and it has functions. So like one thing, for example I just recently talked a lot about is our pores and how there’s so many misconceptions about pores, and everyone wants to be poreless. And they buy, you know, ingredients or products that claim that they’re going to erase their pores. And I’m like, hold on, like your pores. Now,

Susan Crews
think so I’m like, wait, no, you can’t get over the floors.

Emme Diane
Totally our pore size is genetic, you cannot change your pore size. No more than like, you can change how tall you are, you know, but you know, there are things that can improve the appearance of the pores, but kind of going back to your question is like, really giving ourselves grace and understanding that like, nobody has perfect skin, nobody, I’ve seen everybody’s skin, you know, and you know, and close up. And so even those who we think like, oh my god, their skin is perfect. It’s like, you know, if you take a closer look at it, you would probably understand that, oh, they have pores too, but we just simply don’t we’re not you know, if you look at yourself in the mirror, you’re about as close as you can be that you could kiss yourself right? Or not that way with your friends. So I think I think really, you know, understanding it is a living breathing Oregon, it has a self cleaning process. It has glands and pores and hairs and all the things and I have a role and they’re super important. So I think you know again, just giving ourselves a little bit of grace that you know these airbrushed pictures and filters aren’t a realistic view of the skin and you know, we’re all in the same boat basically. So Right. Right.

Susan Crews
So you mentioned you mentioned that you talk about the pores recently you were talking about the pores I’m sure you’re out and you’re talking a lot but I also know you have a podcast and I am making up I haven’t listened to it yet keyword yet. Um, what is the name of your podcast and is it solo? Are you You teaching us on your podcast?

Emme Diane
You know, a lot of it is education just you guy because I am all about educating people. And it’s called Skin theory. Actually, I love that. So skin theory with me, Diane, and right now it’s so low, but I’m about to have a guest on and it’s going to be a client who Oh my gosh, she’s been with me forever. And she has such a great story. I met her right before she was getting married. And she just was dealing with such, you know, challenging acne. And we got her clear for her skin. So she’s gonna share her story, but she’s a trainer as well. So we’re gonna talk a little bit about how exercise benefits the skin. So right,

Susan Crews
right. It’s good, ladies. It’s good to sweat a little library day, right? Absolutely. Skin likes that. Yeah. I think about our mothers, you know, they didn’t want to glisten. They didn’t want to glow, you know, but here, here I am. I’m like, yeah, it’s good to sweat a little bit every day. Get some of the toxins out of there. So I have another question. You have a podcast, you have this incredible consultant form? Do you? Are you on YouTube?

Emme Diane
I have YouTube videos out there. I say that. I don’t know when the last time we’ve shared something on there. But there are some so you can go check them out there. I think they’re pretty cheesy, but go for it.

Susan Crews
So I asked that question. Because of your childhood memory. You know, I can see you in the bathroom, doing your skin tutorials and talking all about it. And I’m like, Huh, that’s a big YouTube big now. YouTube wasn’t there when when you were when you were younger like that. But anyway, so that is super fun. What has been your biggest takeaway or your greatest memory from creating this business?

Emme Diane
Oh, my gosh, oh, well, I mean, it would absolutely have to be the stories that I hear from my clients of literally how their lives have changed. I mean, thinking about it makes me even tear up a little bit. Because, you know, I think people think of skincare, a lot of times, it’s like a vanity thing, you know, right? When you’re dealing with problematic skin, it affects your entire life, it affects your confidence and your self esteem. It affects how you show up in the world, or how you don’t go show up in the world. And you know, I had one client who her and her then boyfriend were enrolling in either like, Army or Air Force or something like that. And she got denied because of her skin. And they said it was a medical issue. And she came to me just in tears because their plan was to do it together. And he got accepted. And she didn’t and you know, we’re on a mission to clear her skin. And we did finally and she was able to go after her dream. And, you know, another client told me how she well, many clients told me how they got declined for jobs in you know, different roles just simply because of their skin. And like, that’s devastating. You know, I mean, it’s one thing to like, feel bad about your skin and feel like people judge you for it, but to actually like have it impact your life, in the sense of, you’re going for your dream, and then you get knocked down because of your skin. I mean, that’s huge. So I think really just hearing how much it’s transformed people’s lives. And you know how, you know, they, their lives are completely different now just simply because they have control over their skin and over them. That’s a beautiful thing.

Susan Crews
So that’s a beautiful thing. You’re exactly right. It’s a beautiful thing. And the stories are beautiful. And to know that your products and your knowledge and your talents are making a difference in the world. Thank you. You’re welcome. You’re welcome. Well, me Diane, you know, being an entrepreneur and running your business and living life. It can all get crazy, right? It can work life harmony is something I like to talk about and think about because I can tell you many times being an entrepreneur can be a lonely place. So you have to find places to get out and balance and just have a beautiful harmony, harmony going in there. What do you do to keep your life in work life harmony or have some work life harmony?

Emme Diane
Oh, that’s such a loaded question, isn’t it? I mean, you know, I think I think that there’s different phases in business where it’s just you know, like the business needs more attention and you just can’t really get around that but you know, I become such a huge advocate of like automating, delegating, Grant eliminating, you know what I mean? Like getting Yeah, but of doing that just so that my time can be more efficient and effective. But I would say to that, you know, there have been points where I felt really burned out. And, you know, it felt like everything revolved around work. And so I actually started kind of diving into like, Okay, what makes me feel joy in my life. And I also needed something to like, make me feel separate than the business because I felt like all of my identity was tied up and that business, so I, you know, finding hobbies and activities that really light me up and bring me joy, I think was a huge one. And make sure to make time for that. I would say also, you know, making sure you take time for self care, like exercise, and, you know, seeing friends and things like that. And sometimes I think you just have to schedule them in and make them a non negotiable, otherwise they don’t really quite happen. Exactly.

Susan Crews
I find oftentimes as an entrepreneur, you know, people think it’s going to be glamorous, and it’s fun. And it’s all the things because it is. But yeah, what they don’t think about is there are times where you’re working eight day workweeks. You know, when there’s only seven, but you’re putting in eight. And that’s when that’s when you know, you’re out of harmony, right? But then you pull back in, but you’re I agree with you 100% You have to put the things that will bring you joy into your calendar and making them non negotiable. also love the three words you use, delegate, automate, and eliminate three powerful words that that can do a lot. Oh, my goodness. Well, this has just been a wonderful conversation. I have enjoyed chatting with you, and hearing about your products and listeners. If this has you thinking about how to have beautiful skin and create a life you love while having work life harmony, connect with me Diane on her socials or connect with me at Susan cruise Co. And me, Diane, I’ve got one last question. What would be your one tip for our listener today that is thinking about changing skincare or even starting skin care? And doesn’t is clueless? What would be the one tip that you would tell her?

Emme Diane
Well, I would definitely say consult with a professional. There’s so much crazy marketing out there when it comes to skincare and it’s super confusing. And so I think definitely, you know, getting advice from a professional about what is perfect for your skin is the best place to start. And it’s also gonna save you a lot of time and headache and stuff. So, right,

Susan Crews
right. I love that and find someone that you know, and you like and you trust because you’re right. I can’t pronounce some of the products and names of the ingredients. And I know if I can’t pronounce it, I for sure don’t know what it does. So I appreciate that. Me Diane, thank you so much for joining us today and all of your information will be in your show notes and listeners. I hope that you will connect with me Diane and take her console so you will know what would be your best next step for having beautiful skin.

Emme Diane
Thank you so much.

Susan Crews
Yes, thank you for being here today. That was a fun episode of the radiant soul sisters. Thank you for choosing to tune in. Be sure to join me next week when I shine the light on another beautiful woman. Till then I’m Susan cruise, your host and be sure to check out my website at Susan cruise where you will find all the podcast episodes and resources for our community.