Face Yoga with Marie Kabis

As we age, we’re met with a societal expectation to hate the aging process, but Marie Kabis joins us to share about her pro-age revolution and how you can implement face yoga for a variety of health, wellness, and beauty benefits. Listen in as she shares how she started her journey with face yoga, what it offers for women who practice it, and the importance of consistency.

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Meet Marie:

Do you know that most women seek to deal with their aging facial beauty through external means such as plastic surgery, Botox or artificial filler? What I discovered is that there is another way. A natural way … My mission is to teach women how to control their aging facial process in a natural way! And guess what? It is non-invasive and non-toxic.
When I discovered the FACE YOGA METHOD, it changed everything! Now, the direct outcome for me results in great physically and mentally. I wanted to bring forth this opportunity for other women. I also loved what it stood for: empower women to gain more self-confidence and an overall sense of well-being.

Practicing hatha yoga for 30 years, I rapidly saw the value of this innovative method. That’s why I got certified and wanted to share this good news. After working 25 years in the corporate world I had forgotten myself on the: To Do List. Has that ever happened to you?

Face Yoga gave me back a more radiant face and smoothed my wrinkles by this wonderful mind – body connection. Giving me back my confidence and allowing me serve women to show them the holistic way to beauty 🙂 I also created a Wellness for Telework program to help businesses to offer their employes to an innovative and effective method to maintain good health and reduce pain from the upper body: Reducing back, shoulder, neck, headaches, eye fatigue and TMJ.

Favorite Childhood Memory

As a child, Marie remembers having so many favorite memories. After being born in Egypt, her family migrated to Canada. One of her favorite memories happened at six years old, when she boarded a plane to Switzerland with her mom. Being a child of four, it asn’t often that she got alone time with her mom or even got to experience luxury. This time was different—she got the full attention of her mom, plus her grandfather when they arrived.

After they arrived, they went to a bakery where they made bread in the shape of animals. Marie was blown away—specifically remembering one item she pointed to ad asked her grandfather what it was—a turtle.

This trip opened the door to travel for her—discovering a whole new world. That’s why she studied tourism and marketing, launching her career in the tourism industry. After years in the tourism space, her body failed her.

Face Yoga

Marie felt called to work with and serve women. As a woman who’d practiced yoga for 30 years, she found herself watching a webinar about face yoga, a practice that strengthens the face muscles. She started doing the exercises, seeing results, and telling her friends about it.

She felt empowered to teach people how to reconnect with their bodies and make them understand that they have the power that they have with the breath. These results were a way to lift the face without the new-age medical procedures we all know about.

By doing face yoga, you’re pushing your body to create more collagen and elasticity to lift your facial features. There are over fifty muscles in our face, over half of which we don’t use. With time, gravity is pulling us down, including your facial features.

Consistency for Results

In order to see results, consistency is important! Marie teaches you how to easily incorporate face yoga into everyday life. As you incorporate it, you’ll see improvement in fatigue, headaches, TMG, body pain, and more.

Pro-Age Revolution

Marie is part of a pro-age revolution; pro meaning positive.  She wants women to love themselves again—at any age.

The Radiant Face Ritual

For Radiant Soul Sisters listeners, Marie is giving you The Radiant Face Ritual video training, which includes four exercises to pick up your face in the morning.


Work/Life Harmony

In order to keep a maintained work/life harmony, Marie starts her day with a morning routine: a glass of hot water, face yoga, meditation, and prayer. Additionally, she’s made a rule to not work on Sundays.


Connect with Marie:






Review the Transcript:

Susan Crews
Are you dreaming of having the time and energy to create a life you love? Is your calendar full of events? And you’re thinking, there’s no time for me? Do you look like you have it all together on the outside, but on the inside of your a hot mess, you are frustrated and tired all the time. Suzy Cruz shines the light on successful women and a few men who have busted the exhaustion cycle by prioritizing herself, released any guilt and have found inner peace while creating a life they love filled with harmony. Join Susan’s candid conversations to learn how these successful women illuminated their inner life to create a radiant life. Welcome to the radiant soul sisters. Today is going to be such a fun episode in the radiant soul sisters podcast because I have my friend, Marie Kabis, from Canada here with me. And Marie is on a mission to teach women how to control aging, the aging facial process in a natural way. Ladies, do you hear this a natural way. You do not have to get any type of needles, injections, surgeries to keep a beautiful face. And I can’t wait to dig into the conversation with Marie. Marie. Welcome. I am so glad you’re here.

Marie Kabis
Thank you. Thank you, Susan, I’m very, very blessed that you asked me because when you talked about your specific mission, which totally collaborated to mine, naturally, my heart is palpitating. And I said this is going to be a beautiful, harmonious conversation.

Susan Crews
Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, before we dig into the meat of the show, Murray, one of the things I love to do is I love to get to know my guest a little bit more by hearing things from their past or their childhood. What would be one of your favorite childhood memories?

Marie Kabis
I have so many. That’s awesome. But the one that really, really stands out, I really made a huge difference in my life. First of all, I was born in Egypt, and we immigrated with my family with the well painted. I didn’t four kids. I was number four. So being in Canada, we live in Montreal, Canada. My mom had no family here. Okay, and they were very courageous to not knowing what the cold is all about. My dad had an brother here. But anyways, so I was going well, by the sun, my my grandmother passed away. And they were in Switzerland. So my grandfather right away, call my mom and Cisco come over and come to me all the work. We weren’t able to come to the funeral because we were loved. But I was really conscious. I was six years old Susan. I was conscious taking the plane. And I remember so many things that just blew my mind. Because being part of four kids, everything was divided for yes. So we didn’t have much of it was no extra. There was no one. We had what we needed. Thank you my parents, but we didn’t have any extras. We didn’t have any luxury. However, this time he was my mom and I. So I was privileged to have time with my mom, first of all right and meeting my grandfather for the first time and seeing things that I’ve never seen before. And I’ll never forget the first time we went to a bakery. And they were making bread shapes of animals. One was a turtle. The other one was a cat. And I’ll never forget that. And I saw the turtle I asked my grandfather What is this? He says it’s bread. So what do you mean it’s bread? It looks like a turtle to make it a different shapes. So for a little six year old I was looking directly in the eye of the of the different types of breads that really blew my mind. So and so many other things like the pastries and the cheeses and and how the streets were so clean and everything was clockwise Swiss are very very time oriented. On the nose, on the nose on the nose, and just beauty of Switzerland and France to because He lived in the border of Geneva in France. I was an all to get first of all the attention from my mom, the attention of my grandfather, who when we went grocery shopping, he says like, what would you like? What? For what vegetables you like I said, I like corn because a lot of corn in Canada. So my mom said, no, no, no, forget about buying the coin, because it’s so expensive. Because you buy something else. But I’d rather No, no, no, it’s okay. I won’t buy the coin. So all of these little little things that really touched me because I said, Wow. I’m getting a little spoiled. Oh,

Susan Crews
there are so many things that we could really spend time unpacking here. But what what I hear you saying is number one, you just really valued that time with your mom, one on one, and I’m a mom of four. And my four children were born within five years. So Jenna was not five, when William was born. And I remember when William was born, one of my girlfriends came over and in brought gifts for all the children, the baby and the children. And she said, she told me, she said, I remember how Jenna looked at me like, oh, here we go again. You know, but she was young, she didn’t really know. But yet you’re right. When there’s four, there’s, there’s not always a lot. Right. But in spending time one on one with your parent and then meeting your grandfather. I also heard you say before, that this also opened the doors to travel for you.

Marie Kabis
Yes, yes. So no, we went to me a few times in the summertime, I met my aunt, my uncle, my, my nephew’s and my knees, which I’ve never met before. And he was buying us richer kids, and so on and so forth. So I was discovering his whole new world. And for me, I really feel like part of a European I really feel comfortable with the mentality with the way that it’s changed now, but the way that they live, and so I decided to study in tourism. Nice. My first passion was in tourism. So after high school we have here, but two years before University, right, the tourism aspect. And then when I went to university, I have a bachelor’s and marketing Bachelor’s in tourism. And I work for an airline I work for hotel business. I worked for my goodness, I did some training in the tourism field. So I had many, many passions. But I started off with it still is traveling. Yeah, which has always been my thing. And I hope to work and outside of Canada, people hire me. So it’s my little bucket list.

Susan Crews
Exactly. And you know, I love how that you know, so many times our stories from our childhood, we can find them in our adulthood and who we are, and how they created us. And that’s one of the things that I love about asking this question and just kind of getting to know a little bit more. So if you now I learned I didn’t realize that tourism was your first undergrad and in your in your grad and your schooling, your university. But if you if you were into tourism, I do know you worked in corporate, we’ll talk about that in a few minutes. But Tommy, how did you get into face yoga, and fall in love with it, where now you teach women worldwide, about face yoga and about how to naturally take care of ourselves.

Marie Kabis
It was a gift. The corporate world also included my tourism experiences. So it was 10 years in the tourism industry. And then I worked for different to hotel business and I also worked in the in the advertisement world also, for 13 years. However, my body just stopped me. Okay, so I forgotten myself on the to do list. So I was working 12 hour days and the kids were young, my husband was working 12 hours. It just the value system was not coordinating with the family values. And my body just taught me Susan just said enough, I was really exhausted. So my husband and I, we sat down we discussed what we should do. And we decided that I gave my resignation, which was really difficult Susan because it was my first time I was relying on somebody relying only on my husband leaving the huge salary, the insurance and so on and so forth. To take care of my kids. My son was having difficulty at school. So he really needed me to be sitting down next to him doing the exercises for homework. So you I really enjoyed myself being a mom, because I had my kids later on in life. Right. So I, I totally was very thankful that they’re healthy. And I put my head first, I took some college psychology courses, I was always volunteering. However, in my body, I was hearing voices that were telling me to work with women and serve women. But I turned away one day, after I’d been practicing hatha yoga for 30 years, so I knew the connection between the mind and the body. Right? One day, I fell upon a webinar talking about face yoga. And I said, What is this? So I started doing the exercises, I was telling my girlfriends, I was all excited, guys, come and try this, this is easy, this thing works. And I was so seeing my face just totally gradually, being more radiant, reducing wrinkles on my forehead, my love and lines. So nobody was interested. So I kept on listening to another woman I actually was teaching, she was opening up her course online. So I decided, listening to this, my whole body react. My body was shaking, when I was listening to the course description, that tutorial to teach women, not only women, but I mean, teach people how to reconnect with their bodies, and make them understand that they have the power that they have with the breath. So face yoga is through the breath, that penetrates the muscles, penetrates the blood system, that the oxygen that penetrates the muscle that brings in all the nutrients. So technically, we’re working beneath the epidural, which is the skin layer, are working beneath that, which is the muscle area. So the muscles are pushing upwards, creating a foundation for the skin.

Susan Crews
So am I hearing correctly, when when you’re participating in face yoga, you’re working the muscles, you’re strengthening the muscles. And when you strengthen those muscles in your declar J your neck, your face. That’s when you get that facelift or the beautiful benefits that people are turning to other alternatives.

Marie Kabis
Hey, exactly, Susan, understanding one thing? Yes. The College and the elastin in our 20s is just that it’s peccable impeccable state, right, but we’re hitting 40s, the 50s, the 60s, it takes 40 to 30 days for the college and the elastin to kick in again. By doing face Yoga, you are pushing the machine to go quicker to to create more collagen to create more embellished the listing. So all of these elements we’ve never thought about. Correct. We’ve always trained our bodies by going to the gym. I don’t know what you do as his point. But I know your yoga teacher. Yeah. But what do you do else?

Susan Crews
Oh, I lift weights. I walk. I do hit classes. You know. I’m always doing something.

Marie Kabis
So you’ve always worked your money, correct? Yeah. I myself, I love spinning. I love a weight training. I love swimming. I love walking naturally. But I love skating used to figure skate, but all that is to say we only talked about our bodies. But on top of her shoulder, Susan, we have a head. Yes. You know how many muscles we have in our face?

Susan Crews
No, you told me this not long ago. And I was like, wow. So no tell. I don’t remember

Marie Kabis
we have over 50 muscles in her face. Wow. Some of them we don’t use. I mean, then we’d actually be to use your muscles. We’re talking. We’re thinking our eyes. Hopefully you’re kissing. Yeah, all these elements we are using, but with time with the way that the earth is moving. The gravity moves. Yeah, our body also moves. So gravity is all pulling us down. So we leave on taking the moment fully living the moment fully. Right with the breath. I teach you how to do the exercises to do them. Well that’s another another alternative. There’s a lot of videos out there and everybody’s certified. I’m certified for the face recommended. Hand. It’s a way of life. Susan

Susan Crews
that you told me that that we we have to do it consistently just like drinking our water or exercise Xen daily are breathwork that with your face yoga, if you really want the benefits of it, you’ve got to do it daily.

Marie Kabis
However, I teach you how to incorporate it in your in your everyday life. Ah, it’s not something that’s going to be cannot on. There you go something that is included when you’re putting your cream in the morning when you put your cream at night before you go to bed because it also helps Susan to reduce headaches to reduce migraines. We’re also working on the acupressure points all across the face. So if you have high fatigue, most of us are working beyond the computers. Yes, so our eyes are dry, your eyes are bloodshot eyes irritated, we are bringing in again the the blood system that’s penetrating in the muscle. So we’re loosening up the tension in the eyes. Yeah, a lot of people have to TMJ, there’s a lot of stress. So I teach you how to work on the acupressure points before you go to bed. There you go. Pain in the neck pain and the shoulders pain in the upper body, the lower body, I have created a beautiful program called Wellness for telework. Right? Right. Teach people companies employees through zoom, teach them how to release their pain. So for them to love their bodies again. Because when your body is in pain, it’s not happy.

Susan Crews
You know, I used to own or Well, I owned a CBD company. And when we first started, you know, people, we had our test group. And one of the things that I found fascinating, was when we were testing, a lot of our seniors were like, Well, I’m just happier. And I’m like, Okay, well, why are you happier with a CBD product? And they’re like, Well, I’m not in pain. I’m like, okay, I can measure your pain, like on a scale of one to 10 You know, that age old question, right? But how do you measure the happiness that you gain from not being in pain?

Marie Kabis
And that is immense. Right?

Susan Crews
There you go. And there’s what you’re teaching. The other thing I heard you say that I absolutely love is that when you teach face yoga, in these techniques, you’re teaching people how to incorporate them into their everyday life. So it’s not an add on because, you know, I work with successful women who look like they’ve got it all together on the outside, but on the inside, they’re exhausted, right, and they’re tired, and they’re thinking, there’s no time for me. So with your program, it’s not an add on. It’s not more to do. It’s just changed the way you’re doing what you’re doing to gain extra benefits. And Marie, I love that.

Marie Kabis
The fix was in. It’s exactly. You described it extremely well. Thank you. I’m teaching women this pro age revolution, right? Pro meaning positive meaning forward, right to age for women has always been a negative connotation. Yes, the gray hair we have the the wrinkles, or the men are so handsome. Because there have little wrinkles, and they have the grayish hair. Well, I’m sorry, ladies. It’s enough. I want you to love yourself at any age. Okay, we’re not going to be 20 anymore. Let’s put it on the table. However, we can be the best that we can. I’m 57 and I’m proud of my 57 years old. Okay, here’s Young. Here’s wives. Okay, yes. 57 years of wisdom. That’s right. This is what I really want to pull out put out in this world. I want women to love themselves again.

Susan Crews
Yes. And I think we’re in the we’re on the right path. You know, I believe a lot of women are waking up to that. I think there are a lot of women who do love themselves and love themselves as well. And I think there are a lot of others who are like I was 14 years ago, like oh wait, who is Susan Cruz, right? You know, in waking up and loving myself. And you’ve heard me say before, you know, one of one of the things I talk about is that you’ve got to love yourself well, so you can love others better. And I wished I had really had that ingrained in my mind when I was a young mom. But And now, it’s really important as I’m loving more, you know, I’m loving more of my family because I have grandchildren right and I’m loving more out in the community and More with the women I work with. And same for you, you know, we, we keep on talking about and encouraging and hopefully inspiring women to love themselves well, so they can love others better. And that’s going to make the world a brighter, brighter place. You know,

Marie Kabis
it’s so amazing. When I see people through zoom, I see their highs changing, right? When we’re doing the exercises, they’re opening up, they’re feeling things I’ve never felt before. Because it’s such a new concept. It’s not it’s not new. It’s been in existence since since the 80s. But people are open to it now trying it out. And they see the benefits and they feel it. It’s a connection between the mind and the body. But it’s, it’s looking and feeling younger, because when we’re looking when we’re feeling it, we have the power to start new things. Absolutely try to jump higher, or just to try to jump differently. Just try new things. And I think that’s part of life. Exactly.

Susan Crews
So if any of our listeners are just a little curious or want to know more about face yoga, number one, I think you brought a gift for them. So I’d like for you to tell them what that is. And then also tell our listeners how they can find you.

Marie Kabis
Thank you, Susan. Yes, I have a beautiful gift. And they everybody loves this game. It’s a video, which is called the radiant face ritual video, including four exercises to pick up your face in the morning. Some mornings are a little more difficult than others. So there are four fantastic exercises. One is a mind exercise by exercise. One is to lift up your mouth, your mouth exercise. So all of these aspects are super important. Now where you can find it. It’s on my website, okay, base, yoga passion.com.

Susan Crews
And that were your show notes as well.

Marie Kabis
Just want to tell us a little thing. We’re going to fall on my website, it’s going to be in French because I work in both languages. So go to the English tab on top of the website, it’s written English, click on the tab, then your phony English website.

Susan Crews
Great to know. So for those of us who are English speaking, when you get to Marie’s website, be sure and go to the top right of the website and click on English so that the website will transfer into English for my Canadian friends who speak French, you guys can get it in French. Right?

Marie Kabis
Both both. Right away on the first page on the the old right away, you can see you can download the video. And you can reach me also on my Facebook page face yoga, passion, perfect. Instagram, same thing Facebook a passion. And I have YouTube channels so you can get videos there too. And the most important thing is to learn how to do the exercises properly. That is huge.

Susan Crews
Absolutely. Absolutely. In you’ve heard me say there are few little lines or wrinkles on my face that I would love to tighten up. And the only reason I have never done Botox or fillers or anything like that is I am scared to death of needles. So that has been what has kept me from doing anything that wasn’t natural. So I’m super excited learning about face yoga and connected connecting with you. I have two more questions for you. The one question that I have is your mom, your wife, you’ve worked in corporate, you’ve loved corporate, you’ve always been a yogi. And then you’ve created this wellness for telehealth and you have your yoga practice. One of the things I talk about is work life harmony, keeping our life in harmony. How do you manage that with all the hats that you wear?

Marie Kabis
Well, first of all, I have a morning routine, where I really encourage women right away my first tip, if you want to start your face yoga journey, start your day with a glass of water, because it is stupendous for you. Your beautiful intestines. It’s going to kick in start on right away your intestines. It’s going to wake you up in the morning, first of all, and it’s fantastic for your skin. And guys, you know you should be drinking six to eight glasses of water. Okay, but it’s also great for the brain because we have brain fog. We have headaches, we need to hydrate our brain. Okay, so I always tell my morning routine like my yoga, my face yoga. My Um, my meditation, my prayer. And that’s what brought me actually, it’s from prayer to Robin face yoga, because I wanted to find something that would be ideal for me and my family. And so it is it can be very, very demanding with all of the social media situation. So that’s a challenge. However, what I do is I never work on Sundays. For me, Sunday’s is family day. And I try. I mean, 99% of the time. Yeah. And that’s how I, I have to stop. That’s how my body, my mind. I like to spend some time with my husband. I like to take some time for prayer. I love to take some time to walk out so just enjoy the day. Now look at my clock. So for me, I need my Sunday. That’s my mental thing.

Susan Crews
Yeah, that’s your Sabbath, right? That’s your day of rest and to reconnect or the way I look at it. Oh my goodness, Marie, this has been so amazing. And listeners if this episode has you thinking about how to put yourself first, while living your life on purpose and creating work life harmony, be sure to connect with me on my socials at Susan cruise Co. Or at my website, Susan cruise. co.com. So Marie, before we bring it to a close, I just have one last question. You have talked about some great things that you do creating work life harmony. But if there was one tip, if our listeners were thinking there’s, there’s just something else, what would be one last tip that you would like to leave our listeners with today?

Marie Kabis
I find as women we’ve always given ourselves to others first. Most women knows Yes, I would like to encourage you. We have always told our children. I love you. Our husbands our wives, whoever, family members, friends. Next time you go in front of the mirror, look at yourself and say, Marie, I love you. Try goosebumps. Just try it three times. Marie, I love you with a beautiful smile.

Susan Crews
And it will make all the difference in the world. Marie, thank you so much for your time today for that beautiful tip, as well as the great information on face yoga. And I cannot wait for our listeners to hear. Thank you again says You are welcome. I look forward to seeing you soon. That was a fun episode of the radiant soul sisters. Thank you for choosing to tune in. Be sure to join me next week when I shine the light on another beautiful woman. Till then I’m Susan cruise, your host and be sure to check out my website at Susan cruise co.com where you will find all the podcast episodes and resources for our community.