Creating Beauty through Energy & Manifestation with Erin Newman

Everything in life is energy. We learned this in eighth grade science, but how are you using it in your everyday life? Erin Newman joins us in this episode to share how she uses energetic tools to support her in silencing the external noise so she can focus on creating beauty in her life and business. Listen in as she shares about manifestation, meditation, and acting from specific sources of energy.

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Meet Erin:

Erin Newman is a speaker, author, Money Mindset Mentor, and Soul Fire Ignitrix for women entrepreneurs. She helps business owners to overcome mindset blocks to money and income so that they can truly do what lights them up in their business AND make the income they desire. Through a mixture of mindset and energetic healing tools, Erin helps women to finally vanquish the mind gremlins, follow their soul purpose, and create a new pathway to abundance, success, and joy.

Favorite Childhood Memories

On Radiant Soul Sisters, we like to look at childhood memories, specifically favorite ones that our guests like to look back on. One of Erin’s favorite memories was being on a lake with her family and getting to ride boats that were shaped like swans.

Energy: Deciding Your Own Outcome

One of the biggest lessons that Erin has learned in her business is stepping into the energy of deciding it’s so. Whatever you’re looking for or hoping for, decide that it’s already true for you and act from that energy. Tell yourself that the outcome you want is here so you’re not in a state of hustle—you’re already in the space you want to be in and showing up from that energy.

For Erin, she got to a place in her business where she said, “I know enough, I’ve learned enough, I’m going to create a six figure year this year. In fact, it’s already here for me.” Then she acted from that energy and did everything that this version of herself would do. Therefore, act from the energy of that goal and you’ll see the outcome you want.

Everyone can look at their own lives and see those the synchronicities of times, when they were just showing up and being themselves and those opportunities just show up and the possibilities just show up. When you show up and take action, things come your way.


When you are in a space claiming that energy and claiming that outcome, you’re also in a space for manifestation. The key to successful manifesting is being open to receive, but also taking action. We need both of those for any creation. The caveat is that the action has to be from the end state.

You can get caught up in all of the things you have to do day to day, but that’s not getting you to the end goal. How do you get there? Take time, put what you want out into the universe, ask your higher power for it and what one thing that you can do to get there. What you least expect will happen, pushing you to grow from there. Simply trust it to happen.

Work/Life Harmony

To find her own work/life harmony, Erin works a lot less than people think. When you love what you do, it doesn’t always feel like work. So to keep that harmony, she limits what she schedules, and the things she does schedule are fun.

Additionally, Erin is strict about her time in the afternoons, so that she can spend time with her youngest. Anytime she’s being pulled in many directions, she wants to spend time outside so that she can reset.

To pour into herself, she likes to take time to meditate in the morning through traditional or guided meditation and journaling. She simply wants to feel really good—when she stops feeling that way, she has to reset and get there again, no matter how long that takes. Get started with just 5 or 10 minutes if it feels intimidating—simply be in the energy of something you love that inspires you.

We can create our own beautiful everyday, and that’s when our Radiant Soul shines.

Guide to Overcoming Subconscious Blocks to Your Next Levels of Income and Joy

If you’ve been loving this episode with Erin, she’s sharing a quick guide to overcoming subconscious blocks to your next levels of income and joy. Through a series of questions, you’ll learn what those money blocks are.



Mentioned in this Episode:

Erin’s Guide

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If you want to read the transcript, check it out below:

Susan Crews
What did that eighth grade lecture on energy have to do with today’s episode? Everything because energy is everything, and everything is energy. Oh my goodness. Join air Newman today and learn how she uses energetic tools to support you in silencing the external noise and mind Gremlins, so you can create a life that feels good to you. Stay tuned Are you dreaming of having the time and energy to create a life you love? Is your calendar full of events? And you’re thinking there’s no time for me? Do you look like you have it all together on the outside, but on the inside, you’re a hot mess. You’re frustrated and tired all the time. Suzy Cruz shines the light on successful women in a few men who have busted the exhaustion cycle by prioritizing herself released any guilt and have found inner peace while creating a life they love filled with harmony. Join Susan’s candid conversations to learn how these successful women illuminated their inner life to create a radiant life. Welcome to the radiant soul sisters. listeners today I am so excited because I have my friend Erin Newman with me. I happen to meet Erin Newman through E women network and she is amazing. When she walks into the room her eyes are sparkling and she has incredible energy that I cannot wait to share with you. Erin is a speaker and author. She is the money mindset mentor. And one that I love most is she is the soul far ignite trips. So what does that mean? Right? Well, erin is a mindset and uses energetic healing tools when you are working with her so that you can vanquish the mind Gremlins here that get rid of those Gremlins, ladies and follow your sole purpose to a new pathway so you can have all of the abundant success and joy that you were created to have. Oh, Erin, I am so glad you’re here with us today.

Erin Newman
I’m so happy to be here. Susan.

Susan Crews
Erin, I want to ask you one of the things that I love to do before I hop into the meat of the show is I like to get to know my guests a little bit better. And I like the listeners to hear a little bit about you as well. And one of the things that I have learned is that our childhood memories make up who we are as an adult in many, many situations. So what is one of your favorite childhood memories?

Erin Newman
Yeah, it is this memory of being with my family at a lake I think there was there must have been this larger park around it because part of that memory is we went on these boats that look like swans on the lake. And I just you know that really stuck with me as a kid because it was so cool. I’ve never seen anything like that. You know, I mean, I’ve seen site bunch like that, right? Like we have to go on this one but and that they were actually really, really hard to

Susan Crews
Oh, goodness. Yeah. paddle boats are tough. Yeah, they look so easy, right? But just being out there on the water with your family and what I’m making up, but from what you said you and you saw the swan boats and they must have been beautiful to you. You know, at that point in time. What a fun memory and how great to be able to have the opportunity to travel with your family when you were growing up. Absolutely. Yeah, right. Right. Well Erin here on the radiant soul sisters, I love to talk about things that make our radiant soul shine and different steps or different things that we have done throughout our lives. And a lot of our My guests are entrepreneurs, which you are you run your own business. And in being an entrepreneur, we have a lot of lessons that we learn. So what would be one of the lessons that you have learned as you have grown your business?

Unknown Speaker
Oh, so many. I’m not even sure what I told you. I was gonna share here but I would say A, the biggest thing has been stepping into the energy of deciding it’s so you know, whatever it is that you are hoping for in your business, or life, right, this can be applied to your life. Yeah, is, is deciding it’s already there deciding it’s already true for you and then acting from that energy versus the opposite, which is what most of us do what I still get pulled back into, which is this sort of like efforting hustling energy of, you know, trying to do a bunch of things that we think are going to get us to an outcome, instead of saying to ourselves, now the outcomes already here, even if I can’t see it yet, in my manifested reality, the outcome is here. I’ve decided it’s here, you know, and again, you can do this in any part of your life, right? If if it’s health that you’re focused on right now you decide already, I’m healthy. I’m acting from that energy of being a healthy person, or I’m wealthy, I’m acting from the energy of being a wealthy person, or I’m in a loving relationship, right? I act from that energy, and I show up from that energy. And we, when we do this as business owners, it means yes, sometimes that we take big leaps, right? Sometimes we take big risks. But usually, it’s those small steps. It’s that smaller, infinitesimal shift that creates whatever it is we desire. And so like, I got to a point in my business where I just said to myself, I know enough, I’ve learned enough, I’m going to create a six figure year this year. In fact, it’s already here for me. And then I acted from that energy, like whatever six figure business owner would be doing, I’m going to be doing that hire the VA, you know, get really focused on speaking, you know, have all my ducks in a row, even though you never had your ducks in a row, but whatever that means to you. And whatever your goal is act from the energy of the goal, versus again that sort of like, well, I’m going to try and do a bunch of things that I hope will get me to that outcome. And they may or may not get you to that outcome, because that’s not the same energy as I’m here. I’m in it. It’s done.

Susan Crews
Exactly. You know, Erin, one of the things that I think was challenging for me, is this isn’t really how I was brought up. Right. And I was raised by to workaholics, which I mean, you know, and that’s what they taught me to do. I’m value work, right and hard work. And as a matter of fact, in a speech not long ago, I was telling telling the guests there, my dad used to call me gogo because I was on the go all the time between work raising four children and being all the things wow, you know, but that’s what I was right. That’s how I was raised. But once you learn to step into energy and work with your energy, the other thing is I also had to learn to work with who I am. You know, I, I don’t know if you’ve studied human design, but I’ve been studying Human Design just as another tool to get to know me better. And you know, I’m a projector I’m not created to work 60 and 80 hours a week. Right. And I need rest, right, but stepping into the energy. And one of the things that I just love that you said, it’s not necessarily it’s not only for business owners, it’s for whatever aspect of your life, you’re focusing on or working on, as you mentioned, health whether whether you’re trying to get healthy, or whether you’re trying to, in your love in your relationships, as well as your business. How different would the world be if we were all living in our correct energetic states? Yeah.

Erin Newman
You know, or even starting to think about that, you know, I’ve been playing a lot with lately, the idea that, okay, Erin, if enter everything really is energy, if you truly, truly believe that, what does that mean? How do you step into that even more, you know, because there’s still, even though I live this, I teach this, I breathed this, there’s still all those times when you get caught up in the external noise Have you got to do it this way. And it has to look like this and it has to look structured and has to look planned and it has to look, you know, logical, rational, all those things they told us when we were growing up, and it’s in fact, when I’m acting from what feels really fun and good to me, that all the good stuff shows up. You know, like, for instance, I keep thinking to myself, well, I really need to hire somebody who’s going to reach out out and get me some speaking engagements and get those booked for me and have this whole structure and this whole plan. And instead, what happens is like yesterday, for instance, I decided I’m gonna go to this meetup thing with a bunch of metaphysical people. And while we’re there, you know, the woman was saying, Well, I really want to have more events in this space. And I was like, Well, I can do an event here. I do events all the time. I love events. She was like, great, we would love it that we would love to have you right? And there wasn’t this whole plan around that there wasn’t this whole structure around it, it was just, I went to this event, because it sounded like fun. I wasn’t thinking of it as this is going to get me somewhere, I was just like, I’m just gonna show up and have fun. And we did. And you know, it just when you’re in that energy, stuff just happens. And I think everyone can look at their own lives and see those things that synchronicities of times when they were just showing up and being themselves just showing up and being in flow, however you want to call it, you don’t have to use mine. But when you show up in that energy of like, I’m just doing this because I want to the opportunities just show up, the possibilities just show up. And I came home that afternoon literally had another speaking opportunity in my inbox, somebody had emailed me and said, Hey, Erin, we want we want you back. I know you’ve been a guest speaker before we want you to come back and look right. Awesome.

Susan Crews
Great, right. And, and when you said, you know, if I really believe everything is energy, it takes me back to eighth grade science. And I can see the teacher telling us this, everything is energy and talking about the desk, you know, and it’s nothing but energy and, and I’m going what, wow, in the world can that solid piece of wood be energy? Right? It’s very hard to understand that. But then, when you really think about everything being energy, it is so fascinating. And it’s like, I told my mom one time, money is nothing but energy. Yeah, yeah. And she looked at me like, What are you talking about, but it’s nothing but energy. Money is made to flow from one person to another person, and, and keep moving. The other thing I heard you say that I absolutely love and listeners here, hear what Erin has said here. When you show up, and you’re having fun things come your way. Things come your way. The other key word I heard you mention is action. And, you know, I know so many times with manifesting. And with being in your energetic state of being that people have said, well manifesting doesn’t work or being in that energetic state doesn’t work, because I’ve tried it, and nothing has happened. Right? But the key to it is what you know exactly what I’m saying. It’s both

Erin Newman
it’s the masculine and the feminine. So the feminine is that allowing the receiving the opening, right, I don’t have to get all anatomical, but you guys are going with that the masculine is the taking of the action. It’s the doing, it’s the thrusting forward, it’s the moving forward, right, we need both of those for any creation, right? The flower, the child, the plant, anything you want to think about in our world, we need both of those. And the same is true for our results, our outcomes that we want to have. However, the big caveat here is the action has to be from the end state. So yes. So again, you know, I mean, I was talking about examples from my own life here, but we can get so trapped in all these actions that we think have to happen in our businesses, you know, and for our lives, right? Not just entrepreneurs, we have all these things we think we have to do. And we have lists of them. And we have ideas about them. And I gotta post 20 times on social media and I gotta be this person. Right? But none of those questions say none of them, probably none of those are actions that are being given to you from the energy of the end state. Exactly. And if you’re like, Erin, what are you talking about? How do I even get in the energy event state? Yes, you can make this like super esoteric and woowoo and hanging out with your crystals on a full moon and I love all of that. I’m here for all of that. Yes. And it can be just really simple. Just close your eyes. See the outcome you want. And ask God Odd source universe, what’s my next step? What’s one thing that’s going to put me there? And then do the thing that shows up, right? Because you’re gonna think that thing that shows up is crazy, you’re gonna think the thing that shows up is not enough, you’re gonna think the thing that shows up is not on the path, right? Because it’s something like, Hey, go call Susan, you haven’t talked to her in a long time. Right? Or, hey, you know, reach out to Bob, you haven’t seen him in a while go have coffee. And then Bob is like, hey, I want you to come in. And, you know, give everybody at my office, your amazing CBD products. And you’re like, Wow, I’m so glad I called. Right. No, right.

Susan Crews
Trust that that’s the one thing learning to trust. That, you know, as you mentioned, when when you do ask for me, it’s God for somebody else. It might be the universe or source or whatever. When you ask that higher source, what’s my next step? And you hear it, you got to take that action, and do it. And you know, sometimes, I will tell you, my husband sometimes looks at me, like I have two heads or something. And he’s like, Well, that just doesn’t make sense. And I’m like, I know it doesn’t make sense. But I can’t wait to see what happens. Right? So fun. They’re so fun. Well, Erin, you know, I know that you’re running your own business, you’re a wife, you’re a mom, and you have lots of other great things going on. I often talk about work life harmony, I for myself, I don’t like to call it balance, because I feel like when I’m trying to balance, I’m just standing on that teeter totter, trying to keep it level, right. But when I’m in harmony, I’m hearing this beautiful symphony around my life, you know, but there are times when we’re playing one instrument louder than the other because that’s what’s necessary. But then it’s only a measure of time we come back and we have harmony with all the hats that you were what are some of the things you do to maintain a work life harmony?

Erin Newman
Yeah, well, first of all, I work a lot less than people think.

Erin Newman
People are like, we I know you’re really busy. So it’d be hard to set up a meeting. I’m

Erin Newman
like, I’m probably not as busy as you think. Right. So I just, you know, I think when you love what you do, like we do, Susan, yeah, it doesn’t feel like work. Like, this doesn’t feel like work to me, right? Part of my work, but it doesn’t feel like work. So that’s, that’s one aspect of it is is I just don’t schedule as much things. But even when I do they, they’re fun. They’re, they’re enjoyable. And if I think to myself, like that is really gonna suck and not be fun, I really start to examine, do I need to show up for that? Right? Like, if it’s so nice, like, that’s why we have our own businesses do right? For that thing. So that’s one thing but then the other is i i am pretty strict about my afternoons so that I can take that time to always pick up I should say always, almost always pick up my little one from school. We go out and take a walk. Sometimes we wait for his older brother to come home. Sometimes we don’t but we always get outside we always get out in nature. And that’s that is to me, like anytime I’m getting pulled by the external, right? Like we gotta get outside. I don’t care what the weather is. We gotta get outside. We’ll go in the rain will go in the snow. Not that snows that much. But

Susan Crews
we’re praying for one.

Erin Newman
We’ll get outside and it just, yeah, even if it’s just 20 minutes, and that. That’s my biggest reset for sure.

Susan Crews
I love that getting outside is the oh gosh, just amazing and breathing fresh air. What that does, for for my soul is amazing. And once again, I am married to a farmer. We live on a farm. But there were years when I didn’t spend enough time outside now. I get kind of grumpy if I don’t get outside for at least 10 or 15 minutes every day. I mean rain, sleet last year we had some ice and during the ice storm I didn’t walk you know, but But otherwise, I’m like you got to get outside. In this kind of leads into the question you know about self care and about self love. You know, we all have to do certain things to make sure our radiant souls are shining. What are some of the things you do for yourself?

Erin Newman
Every morning? I shouldn’t use words like every 95% Right? Traveling or something When crazy happens I, I take time to meditate to get my energy straight. And that looks like a bunch of different things I use a bunch of different tools I use tapping, I use journaling, I use kind of guided meditations are sort of more traditional meditation. And the key for me is always am I in that state of feeling really good, you know, if there’s stuff that’s going on in my world of their stuff that’s going on in my life, I, if it takes an hour, we’re gonna sit here until it feels really good again, you know, which sometimes means you have to wake up at five, right? If you have a bunch of stuff going on. But I have to take that time for myself, because when I skip it, I notice I notice myself getting pulled into a bunch of different, like yucky thoughts throughout the day. And I don’t want that anymore. I don’t want to I don’t want to live that

Susan Crews
way before. Zero and me both Sister, you and me both. I lived in the rush rush world way too long. And I’ll tell you, your husband may say the same thing. I don’t know. Jimmy will say Oh, well, Susan gets up to sit. You know what I do? That is how I start my day. And like, like you said, the days that I don’t get to get up and sit. I feel like I’m behind all day, or just not grounded in who I’m supposed to be that day, or what I’m supposed to create that day. You know, and, and I heard you earlier in our conversation, you talked about creation, you know, we have to have the the masculine and the feminine in there. And I remember you saying that I got goosebumps and didn’t come back to it. But you know, that’s one of my mottos this year, create, don’t consume. And what that can look like, you know, a wide variety of things. And I say, you know, you got Ooh, you’re thinking about that, you know, we can create something beautiful every day. And I believe when our radiant soul shines, that’s what we’re doing. Right.

Erin Newman
I love that. Yeah. And I think it’s such a message what you just said for all of us, because, you know, we are on our phones all the time consuming other people’s stuff, other people’s energy, other people’s words, you know, and right? When we’re instead in that space of like, what what do I want to bring forth? What do I want to birth out into the world? It’s powerful. That’s

Susan Crews
right. Thank you. Thank you. It took a lot of work to get there. Erin.

Unknown Speaker
It’s continual.

Susan Crews
Right? It is it steadily continual. We mentioned earlier we but you know, we both have coaches. And you know, I don’t know where I would be without coaches psychotherapist, all the goods because and I’m just thankful that I’ve been able to bring my resources into my world to help me shine my light brighter is is what I say, you know? Absolutely. Yeah. Oh, listeners, if this has you thinking about how to put yourself first or to let your radiant soul shine. While you’re living your purpose out on life and living and work life harmony. Be sure to connect with me at Susan cruise Or reach out for a time to chat at my website, Susan cruise. Anyway, I’m back with Erin. And I know that Erin has something special to share with our listeners today. Erin, what have you got for us today? Yeah, so

Erin Newman
I have a really quick, I won’t say easy, but a really quick guide to overcoming subconscious blocks to your next levels of income and joy.

Susan Crews
Whoa, that sounds awesome. Yeah. So

Erin Newman
it’s a series of questions that are designed to help you really discover what those subconscious money blocks are. And we all have them

Susan Crews
all. Yes. So we bring that baggage from childhood that is so true.

Unknown Speaker
Yeah. And then a quick process for releasing those on a somatic level. So I’ll share that link with you, Susan. So you could drop it for people because it’s kind of long. Okay. Yeah.

Susan Crews
What is your website?

Erin Newman
My website is Erin So erin Yep.

Susan Crews
Perfect. Perfect. Well, Erin, I have one other question for you. I really have two questions for you. But I’m gonna you know, the last one that one of them I’m gonna ask is, what would be your biggest tip or your suggestion? If someone was really trying to move into to living this energetic life or making a change? What would be your tip?

Erin Newman
You know, Susan, I just talked about spending, you know, an hour a day on meditation. And I think that usually freaks people out. So I always say, look, take five or 10 minutes. If you just tell your brain like, I just have to get up five minutes earlier, I just have to spend 10 minutes, you know, not on my phone or whatever, in the morning. And just find that time for yourself in the morning, spend 10 minutes, being in the energy of the thing you desire, being in the energy of God, source universe, being in the energy of love. You’re not energy for 10 minutes, if you can take 10 minutes for yourself to do that. In the mornings, your life will change 100%.

Erin Newman
Like, that’s why I told you that right? Like, because it works. It works.

Erin Newman
It absolutely works. And it will change your life.

Susan Crews
It it absolutely works. And I’ll add a quick, I’ll add something in just a second. But before I go to that, you know, you said, we talked about meditating for an hour, and I can I’m like you I can hear a listener going. I don’t have time for that, or no way I could do that. And if you had told me that 10 years ago, I would have looked at you like you were crazy. So erin, how? How did you build up your meditation life? Honestly,

Erin Newman
it just started feeling so good that I just wanted to stay there, you know. And, again, I know there’s many people out there listening who are gonna think like, well, I’ve tried meditation, and it sucked, and I could hear all my thoughts and blah, blah, blah, blah. And that’s the point, like, that’s the thing that everyone has to go through, right? Like, if you are hearing all these anxious thoughts, then you’re in exactly the right place to start meditating. And what you’ll just notice happening, the more you do it is the more spaciousness you can create around those thoughts. And, and it’s not like even the end goal is to meditate for an hour every day, like, there’s no there’s no Rubicon, there’s no requirement, there’s no right. It just to me, it just, it feels good. Like if I want to stay there, I’d probably stay there for hours.

Erin Newman
You know, I didn’t have to take the kids to school and right, like, you know, we have normal lives too, right?

Erin Newman
are feeling so good in that energy, that you’re just like, I want to hang out here, you know,

Susan Crews
well, in you know, there. When I first started meditating, you know, and I was like, I just don’t know how I’m gonna do this. As I said, I was Gogo. So my brain was going all the time to I felt like, right, so I started with a five minute meditation. And when I was in yoga, teacher training, and my teacher gave us permission to listen to the thoughts that were flowing through your mind. During meditation. I’m like, What, wait, I can let them I can listen to them as they’re flowing through. You know, I thought I’m supposed to, like, push everything out. But once you learn, then you get better and better at it. Yeah. And, you know, I think that’s a key to it. Give yourself permission to let those thoughts flow through. And just don’t get stuck on him. Right. And if you make it three minutes, celebrate, if you make it 45 minutes, and that’s your what you want to do, sell. But don’t try to step into or avoid would be the word I would prefer to use. Avoid stepping into what you have made up about meditate, or I mean, release what you have made up about meditating and step into letting it happen with you.

Erin Newman
Absolutely. Such a beautiful way to think about it. Yeah, and I love that you said you don’t have to push the thoughts away. I think that’s that comes just from that hustle culture that we have, you know, patriarchy of like, even this, I’m gonna go conquer it. conquer all those thoughts. And it’s actually the opposite. It’s that space of allowing, you know, and like you said, just allowing those thoughts to flow and you know, there’s a million different metaphors here. But yeah, thinking of them like clouds or like the weather or anything like that, that

Susan Crews
absolutely right. The moment you can

Erin Newman
see some space between your thoughts and yourself, right, deeper self. That’s, that’s when everything shifts for you because we have become so identified with our thoughts. And if you’re if you don’t have some sort of practice If that takes you away from those thoughts, then you find something else to fill it right you find drugs, or alcohol or, or shopping or you know, something else that’s, that’s trying to do the thing that meditation could have done, which is creating that separation between those anxious thoughts and, and the true self, the God’s self, the source, self, whatever you want to call it, that inner part of you. And when you through your meditation or through, there’s a million other practices to but like through that space, you say, I no longer identify as that thought. That’s frickin magic.

Susan Crews
Right? Like, that’s what Yes, that’s it. Just when the magic happens. erin, I know you have an event in February. And I know you do some throughout the year. Tell us a little bit about your event that’s coming up in February. Sure.

Erin Newman
So that is the soul alignment experience. And his two days together. It’s true of a mini retreat slash workshop where we are connecting into your soul guides. So your personal guides that we all have, they all come in various forms, but we all have them, if you choose to tune into them and asking your personal questions around your 2023 vision. So we’ll be doing some visioning processes to get into what is it that I actually want, which is usually a really hard question for people

Erin Newman
to answer. Right, right. It’s

Erin Newman
hard to see the vision. So we’re going to be doing some visioning exercises to start and then we’ll move into Okay, but how do I actually step into that vision? What are those steps like we were talking about in the beginning, you know, God source universe, what are the actual steps? What are the things I need to be doing on a practical level, and sometimes those are a lot more kind of, you know, open ended, like get out there more, but are very, very specific. And I always aim for things that you can really apply in your real life in your everyday life. So yeah, there, it’ll be mostly entrepreneurs there, but everybody is definitely welcome. So perfect.

Susan Crews
And on your social media, and in your website. If somebody is interested in hearing about what you have coming up, are those the best places to go and connect with you?

Erin Newman
Absolutely, definitely find me on Facebook or Instagram. That’s where I’m posting the most about events and things. Just kind of in general, I know you’re a big LinkedIn or

Susan Crews
I’m working on it. I’m LinkedIn slacker.

Erin Newman
So yeah. Find me on Facebook and Instagram, if you can.

Susan Crews
That’s perfect. And is that an Erin Newman? I am

Erin Newman
Erin Newman coach on Instagram. And I think I’m Erin Newman mindset coach on Facebook.

Susan Crews
Perfect, perfect. And all of that will be linked in the show notes. So that’ll work out Erin, thank you so much for your time today. And I know that our listeners are going to have several golden nuggets to pull for today’s episode. So thank you so much, listeners. I hope you have enjoyed hearing from erin Newman. And if so be sure to join next week when I shine the light on another one of our radiant soul sisters. Until then, I’m Susan cruise, your podcast host and you can find me and all the resources at Susan cruise Erin, have a good day to you Susan. Thank you. That was a fun episode of the radiant soul sisters. Thank you for choosing to tune in. Be sure to join me next week when I shine the light on another beautiful woman. Till then I’m Susan cruise, your host and be sure to check out my website at Susan cruise where you will find all the podcast episodes and resources for our community.