Travel and Diet…oh no! OH YES!

“Oh, the places you will go!” Dr. Suess

Traveling is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.  When we travel and immerse ourselves in the area, we are able to experience new places and cultures and see the beauty of the world God created. From the few places I’ve seen, His world is magnificent!

There is one bugaboo to traveling when you are on a plan for healthy living.

How are you going to adhere to the plan and enjoy your vacation?

There were times I would put myself on strict diets and miss out on fully experiencing the vacation. I would strictly adhere to that plan, depriving myself of the fun of foods of the culture and fully experiencing the area. On one trip to Atlanta, I remember missing a family meal because I had to be in the gym. What the heck was that about?

Or you go on vacation overindulging in all the foods, and alcohol, and giving up on exercise which leads to gaining weight, coming home lacking energy, and feeling bloated and defeated for not adhering to your diet. You may even get home and “punish” yourself by under-eating and over-exercising. That’s not a great feeling either.


Can you relate?

 I hope not, but if you have it’s time to change!

Jimmy and I have just returned from vacation and the great news is I gave myself permission to live and enjoy! I ate french fries (one of my favorite foods), bread, yummy steak, desserts, champagne, and beer. I slept well, walked outside for my exercise, meditated, read my Bible in the morning, and PLAYED HARD! I have no regrets.


So, what brought about the change?

Mindset and releasing the idea that I had to live on a strict diet. You know the calorie in/calorie out kind that’s hard to stick to forever? I’m back to loving my body well and finding the perfect eating/exercising lifestyle for me. One that could be lived even on vacation!

The magic for me has been found in metabolic switching and I am loving the results. 

While we were on vacation, I was able to switch up eating times and enjoy food without feeling deprived, and if I didn’t go as long as I intended between meals…no problem…there was a new day ahead.   

Now that I am home, I am rested, energized from being away, back to enjoying my normal diet and exercise routine, and continuing to focus on healing my leaky gut and psoriasis. 

Let’s Chat!

If traveling for fun or work has you in a mess, let’s chat! There are simple tweaks you can use to make traveling easier on your body.

What would it feel like to you to come home feeling rested, energized and with NO REGRETS? Click here to schedule a FREE 20-minute call. I’ll have some questions for you to answer and together we will strategize a simple tweak for your next traveling adventure!

XO, Susan

PS…Would you like to get more social? I would love to have you join me in The Radiant Soul Sisters FaceBook group.  It’s getting a facelift and is going to be a great place to hang out!