Let’s UN-Diet Together with Sheila Keilty

How is your relationship with food? Many women have negative emotions around it because we’ve spent our lives experiencing the opinions of diet culture. Food is medicine for your body though. Sheila Keilty, the UN-diet coach, joins me to discuss her own journey to finding a healthy relationship with food and how it’s healed her body in more ways than one. Listen in as she shares how taking it back to the basic principals of food and nutrition can completely change your lifestyle.

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Meet Sheila:

Sheila Keilty is The UN-Diet Coach and a Mind-Body Transformation Specialist. She empowers women to finally stop dieting and have instead an effortless relationship with food and their bodies for a lifetime of optimized health and wellness. Her program, The Mind-Body Reboot Method, uses the same techniques and approaches she herself used to lose over 130lbs – and keep it off. Sheila has walked a mile in her clients’ shoes and is impassioned to help women of every age and ability level to live an authentic life full of vitality and possibility.

Favorite Childhood Memory

One of Sheila’s favorite childhood memory was when she was in 2nd grade and came home from school one day to find a piano in her dining room. Unbeknown to her father, her other sold her car to buy the family a piano. She’d never had music in her house growing up and wanted her 3 girls to learn to play and to appreciate the finer things in life. From that day on, Sheila became obsessed with the arts! This impacted the artist in Sheila—ultimately allowing her to become a classical music artist, dancer, and painter.

The Start of the UN-Diet Coach

Sheila’s story with weight loss begins all the way back when she was in kindergarten, being told by her ballet teacher that she was a little chunky. Ballerina’s are expected to have a specific body type, meaning she was put on a diet at five years old. Thankfully, she got out of that line of work and avoided those hectic diets.

She went on to work in the IT world, owning the largest woman owned firm in the US. She was working long hours, seven days a week, trying to be everything to everyone when she started having pain and noticed that she was shorter. She was experiencing spinal collapse.

She ultimately was hospitalized for pain management, which led to 18 surgeries on her missing discs and crushed nerves. She was in a wheelchair, and had wiped out her savings, ultimately living on credit card debt. During this time, she gained 140 pounds, her lupus went out of control, and she was severely diabetic. Eating became her comfort. Her doctors set her up with a therapist to accept dying early.

She took matters into her own hands and tried a variety of alternatives. She found Mark Sisson of Primal Kitchen, who’s answers were in regards to food being medicine. She adopted the concept of dense nutrition into her food regimine, which is getting the maximum nutritive value in every calorie. Upon implementing the teachings of Primal Health, she began dropping weight, while in a wheelchair. She dropped down from 23 medicines to 2, lost 130+ pounds, and did it while eating well.

She later went through Primal Health Institute once they formalized the education into a program.


While Sheila was in spinal rehab, she learned about mindfulness. When she first heard about it, she didn’t give it a chance, yet as she learned more about it and adapted it into her day-to-day, she saw the impact and benefits. This was specifically in regards to pain management, but she later went on the get a degree in mindfulness to learn how to do it and offer it to others—because the power of your mind and making change happen are intertwined.

Mindfulness is actually proven in its practice to rewire you neurologically. It relies on neuroplasticity, which is the ability for your brain to create new neural connectors and neural pathways in your brain.

Now Sheila works with women on mindfulness, because we don’t have enough self compassion.

The Mind Body Reboot Method

The Mind Body Reboot Method is a 12 week program that is based on using mindfulness techniques, the primal food is medicine techniques, and all those 12 points of your lifestyle together in something that supports you in making permanent change, ending up with an effortless relationship with food in your body at the end. This allows you to go on and continue on your own towards metabolic flexibility and maintenance.

Everything is easily delivered and offered through an app. Over the course of 12 weeks, you spend 20 minutes learning, along with one-on-one connections throughout as well. While the program is an investment, you can finance it through Asurion Bank and use your HSA dollars towards it as well.


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Review the Transcript:

Susan Crews
Are you dreaming of having the time and energy to create a life you love? Is your calendar full of events? And you’re thinking, there’s no time for me? Do you look like you have it all together on the outside, but on the inside of your a hot mess, you are frustrated and tired all the time. Suzy Cruz shines the light on successful women and a few men who have busted the exhaustion cycle by prioritizing herself, released any guilt and have found inner peace while creating a life they love filled with harmony. Join Susan’s candid conversations to learn how these successful women illuminated their inner life to create a radiant life. Welcome to the radiant soul sisters.

Susan Crews
Oh boy listeners, you are in for a real treat today on the radiant soul sisters podcast, because I have someone that I cannot wait to introduce you to. Sheila Keilty is the on diet coach. And you guys know my story. And you know how much I believe in letting go of the diet fads, all of them that are out there so you can create a life you love. And today Sheila is going to tell us all about being the under diet coach, and she empowers women just like you and I to stop dieting and effortlessly have a wonderful relationship with your body. And what could be more powerful than loving yourself and loving yourself well, so you can be more successful in life and have more joy. Sheila, welcome to the podcast today.

Sheila Keilty
Hi, Susan, thank you so much for having me on. I’m so excited to be here.

Susan Crews
Thank you. Yeah, we’re I’m looking forward to deep diving into our conversation and in sharing some more truths with our listeners so they can make great decisions and maybe let go of the diet culture as well. That was secret. Let’s do that. Yeah. Before we dive into that, though, I always ask my guests to share with us one of your favorite childhood stories, and I can’t wait for you to share yours today. Tell us about? Well,

Sheila Keilty
I grew up in a house where most of my family is colorblind and tone deaf. And I was very artistic and a little dancer and I liked musical instruments. They don’t know what potato truck I fell off of. My mother was the only one who like sang in choirs. Her whole life grew up in the Methodist Church and was big and they’re big into singing in choirs and everything in that particular church. And she instilled that in me and the rest of my family is like I don’t know what the big deal is. And we didn’t grow up with a lot. We my mother really squeezed every nickel out of my father’s teacher’s salary. And she had her own car. My dad had gotten a reused card. He was very proud that we were a two car family. And one day we got a note at the school at my elementary school in second grade. And it said, your aunt Jane is going to be picking you up from school today be out what’s going on. So aunt Jane picked us up from school and got us home. And mom’s car wasn’t in the driveway. I thought she wasn’t there. But I came into the house. And I heard a piano. Now we didn’t have a piano. But my mother had sold her car and bought a piano unbeknownst to my father who came home and found this out. They had just bought her this car. And she decided it was more important to have music in the home that enrich education and lives. And we were not a family of classical musicians. We were not a family with any kind of besides my mother singing in a choir as a kid. There wasn’t a lot of the arts in what we did. We didn’t go to museums. We didn’t go to any kind of dance besides my own ballet recitals. We didn’t go to anything. But I was starving for it. I was like, I would give up everything in the world just to have some more of that. And I didn’t even know what that world was, but I was being exposed to it in different ways. But my mother had bought a piano just a little old used upright piano and she was noodling around on it. When I came in. She didn’t play at the time. She hasn’t had since learned and before she passed she had become very proficient. And I just started crying and she started crying and I start crying talking about it, but it took my life in a right turn to where I was valued. The things I loved were a value in my home and opened up a whole world of classical performing arts that I really became part of I ended up being a music major, I wrote music for film, I conducted orchestras at Paramount and 20 Century Fox for the film industry. And when I became a single mom living in LA, back when I was 27, I was getting my masters at the time and conducting and film scoring at USC. But I sold everything I owned in the music world, because the difference between a musician and a large pizza is a large pizza will feed a family of four. But I had to step away from it and got involved in it just to support my young family. But at my core, I’m a classical music artist and dancer and I went to music school in an art scholarship and painted, I was very artsy girl in a non artsy family. But that was the day that is etched in my brain where my mother recognized that that was important for everybody. And that would enrich all of us. My sisters, although they are, you know, not heavily into the arts, one got involved in the fashion industry in the arts that way. And the other one went on to be a director of antiquities for a big auction house, you know, international art auction house. So we all became something more in the arts or in the creative world than we ever would have if my mother had not taken us on that right hand turn.

Susan Crews
You know, I have the privilege of talking with a lot of people in hearing these stories. And there are several times in your story today that I got goosebumps thinking about a mother’s love. Number one. And when you said, I know the day my mom did this, and and I rephrased it a little bit. But my words of what I heard was the day my mom did this, my world changed. No, yeah. And how beautiful what? What a gorgeous tribute to your mom. And I had no clue. You know, if I hadn’t have asked this question, I wouldn’t have known how engrossed in the musical world you were, what you had done in the music, you know, with your music, and then also the analogy or the comparison of your musical world and a pizza. Thank you, thank you for sharing that with us. I am very grateful. Because I know that was impactful. And I hope that if there’s somebody out there listening, and you see something wonderful in your child, that it that story will inspire you to help them take the next step. Yeah. Right. Thank you. I appreciate does

Sheila Keilty
when you hear your children when you really see who they are. And you let them know that you value that. Right. Even if my mom had started taking me to classical music concerts at the library or listening to classical music on records in the library. It even been that basic, I still would have felt heard. But the fact that she gave of herself, right, you know that she gave up something in her world sacrificed for me with no question like, that was just the right thing to do. Absolutely. And from then on, she drove my father to work and she kept his car and drove it. And she’d pick him up from work. And we’d all you know, just make it a family thing. You know, eventually things changed, and you know, our lives, but they were such a young couple. So typical in the early 60s, I’m in my 60s. So I was raised in the 60s. And back then women didn’t have jobs that the home was the job. That’s right. But my father also valued that. He always he rose very far in his career, did very well with his life, and always said, had I not had your mother, this never would have happened. I really saw her as the partner that she truly was. And that did a lot for his three daughters as well, you know, to see that we were valued that what women did at the time, was valued. It was very revolutionary during 1962. That was huge. To think that way about women really was.

Susan Crews
I agree. Well, um, one of the reasons you and I were connected is because we both I have lived in the health coaching world you live in the health coaching world, you have an amazing story, that I’d like you to share a little bit about that listeners. You’ve heard my story before and where my struggles came from. And you know, when I was in fifth grade, I was put on weight watchers and what 11 year old wants to tell their friend, they’re a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. I was chubby. I was not obese, and those were a lot of the drip drivers behind my story. But Sheila, if you will tell us a little bit of your story, and then talk a little bit about your transformation in becoming the on diet coach, and really what that means.

Sheila Keilty
Okay, well, my story in weight loss starts back when I started ballet back when I was like, in kindergarten, I was told to go on a diet by my ballet teacher, you know, I was on toe shoes, it six, you know, talented little girl doing her little twirling around stuff. And they’re like, but your little chunky. Now chunk I was I looked back, I was so skinny. But they felt a little chunky. I was very muscley little girl, I just didn’t have a ballet body. That’s why I had to quit. I mean, I was never gonna have long legs and be a skinny French girl. I was never going to happen. I was a stumpy Irish girl. That’s just the way it was. Nothing was gonna change that. But they put me on a strict diet five. I mean, what that does to someone’s metabolism is just ridiculous. So I had a whole life like you have as a child being told there’s something wrong with you. You’re not as good as you could be because of your weight. And there’s something wrong with you and your willpower, and you’re just a weak person. And the rest of us are fine. Shame on you for being this way. And there’s a lot of shame in that whole scenario. There is right? Yes, yes. And that sticks with you and how you feel about yourself. So I’ve gotten a hold of my weight and gotten away from all the ballet stuff after college. And I was tipped along after music, you know, in the pizza normal thing. I got into the IT world when it was the Wild West and you could say I know how to use a dot matrix printer and you were a genius. So hire her she knows how to change the paper, the dot matrix printer. And it just took off to be having my own firm, largest woman owned and operated it firm in the US. 75 employees like this crazy company. I started and around around 48 years old, started having severe pain. I was working 20 hour days, seven days a week running my company being everything to everybody with three kids and the whole thing and it just fell apart. When my spine fell apart. I got spinal collapse. And I was suddenly shorted my neck one with what is going on and severe pain kicked into the point where I was hospitalized for pain management. Finally someone looked at what was going on with my back and noticed I was missing a number of desks. They just collapsed and crushed the nerve roots. My entire neck is fused. I have 18 surgeries that I’ve had on my spine, in and out of electric wheelchair. And for about five years from 2008 to about 2013 or a little bit maybe 16 I was more in the hospital that I was home. I mean it was just a horrible series of things. I had to sell my company. I suddenly was just living in this little one bedroom place in West LA you know just my life had diminished because back then before the American Care Act,

Sheila Keilty
I was reaching lifetime maximums and everything we wiped out our savings we were completely wiped out completely and living on credit cards kind of world that you get into when this in my life was just gone. And my weight shot up I went up 140 pounds. I was morbidly obese in an electric wheelchair in a lot of pain. I found myself severely diabetic, my lupus went out of control my lupus that had started during my pregnancy in 1988 went completely out of control, I was losing organs that are drying up and all kinds of things are happening. You’re burning through my organs, and I was sicker and sicker and sicker. All kinds of neurologists and things and severely diabet severely died. My a one C was far above nine I was really bad. And I was eating to comfort myself. I mean, it was my only joy. Only one arm worked. My legs didn’t work. I’ve just had to be in a certain position or I’d be in pain. I was in constant neck brace because these were being all fused, which is why I still move like Darth Vader. Drive. I can say yes but no is really hard. No Is this what you know, I’ve gotten past it. I’ve I’ve worked you know, I’ve worked very hard to get past that. So my doctors at age 55 threw up their hands or 54 throw up their hands and said, You’re going to be dead soon. We’ve kind of given up on trying to save you your inflammation side of control. We can’t get it under control and they actually sent me to a therapist to accept dying early. My therapist said I am not talking you into dying. This is ridiculous. And I lived in Los Angeles, which I say I lived there 37 years by mistake. I didn’t intend to stay there. I just raised my family. It just ended up being that way. But I was in the The world you know central capital of crystal waving and alternative therapies and Chinese this and you know hot stone that Cold Stone Cold Therapy out there just like every kind of therapy aromatherapy any I tried it all, I took a deep dive into that whole world just made me sicker. I took a deep dive into being vegan for a while, which didn’t take the VE G the veg part of vegan didn’t get into my brain, I found out that bread pasta and rice were also vegan. I’m like, Yes, I was a carb Attarian, basically. So are diabetic. You know, they’ll the whole plant based being healthy, really is not it doesn’t meet all your macros, and you end up having to supplement a lot. It just wasn’t healthy for me. For some people, God bless. But for me, and for most people is not actually as healthy as it’s touted to be. But it had I learned that I went through that and I have clients who are vegans and I help them stay that do it and healthy way it’s fine, whatever floats your boat. And so it three in the morning, as it usually is when we find these things, you’re up, you’re crying, you’re like I can’t figure this life out electric wheelchair, one arm working 280 pounds, just like miserable. Losing my hair, losing, you know, my looks, my skin was miserable. Very sick. In pain most of the time on a lot of 23 medications I was on most of them are medications for the medications that just crazy. My counters looked like a pharmacy between all the supplements, potions, pills, poultices powders, you know, whatever it is right? You know, it was just insane. You know how it is? Yeah, you try all the things and so your counter just because becomes a pharmacy, and I had to walk away from all of that. And in the middle of the night. One night, I found Mark Sisson, who is the head of the primal Health Institute, and he actually opened primal kitchen, you know that he owns that brand of all those really safe, wonderful source stuff, you know, reading all the industrial oils, he actually does something good with that. And they’re delicious, too. But I found that and I’m like, Oh, I know that dressing. Oh, that’s that guy. Why didn’t know he had brought paleo to the world. He’d figured out dense nutrition and macros and how to overcome keto and why keto wasn’t working. He had a lot of answers and the answers, we’re all in food as medicine. And that clicked in my brain because food made me sick. Food could heal me. And I loved to cook, my ex husband loved to cook. So we were all up for some cooking, staying on the outer aisles of the grocery store, staying out of the processed food really getting back to kind of an ancient level of what we’re supposed to be eating what our bodies really want, and was learning that. And as I read and I read more, and I got his books, and I read more. And as I started applying just the simplest of ideas of dense nutrition into dense nutrition is getting the maximum nutritive value in every calorie. So to eat something, make sure it’s sourced well, that there’s nothing that’s going to hurt you like those industrial oils we just mentioned. And then has well sourced foods that are local and organic, grass fed pasture raised, really, instead of all those pills on the counter, spend that money on better food, just get better food, and it will reward you with the kind of nutrition that gets your body back to where it wants to be. Your body wants to be healthy, there is a stasis that your body wants to get to that drops the excess weight fixes your metabolism that pulls back on the inflammation and all these things that we treat in the modern medical world. As symptoms like we’ve changed symptoms, we treat symptoms and then symptoms for the symptoms and symptoms of the symptoms. So inflammation is one of them. They give you anti inflammatories rather than have you changed your diet and lifestyle to not have inflammation that way. People can fix their inflammation and get it going in the right way. Not the after effects not the damage your body has of inflammation but the actual inflammatory markers themselves can be brought down in less than a week. People don’t know that without pills just with food and lifestyle. fixing your state Zach one thing you can do. So Mark’s program, the primal program is all about not only food, but sleep, sun, how you move not working out too much. So all of this eat less move more who we the calorie who we you know all of that Burn, baby burn. You know, Jillian Michaels screaming at your biggest loser cons they all have that’s gone away. Right? All of that was exposed by Marx approaches. And I was in a wheelchair and he said, and I called his office I talked their people in their life. They didn’t have health coaches, they didn’t have an institute yet. That’s the school. And that’s the education like I was primal Health Institute with them, I ended up doing that. They formalized all of that stuff into a program. Because they were frustrated at the so called health coaches, they really wanted to make it something impactful. And they said, No, you’re in a wheelchair doesn’t matter if you’re disabled, you can still move enough to keep things going to help you burn more fat, but it’s not about exercising to lose weight, it’s exercising to be healthy, having functional fitness to be healthy, so your body gets healthy, then loses the weight. And I gotta tell you, that’s the big challenge with my clients, when they have to get healthy first, and then their body will lose weight, because they’ll drop that 1015 pounds to begin with, which is mostly water when your body releases all the glycogen, you know, releases water along with it. Right? Right, then it stops, just stops and they’re like your program doesn’t work. I’m not doing everything right. It’s like you have to get healthy. And then your body will lose the weight. But you have to get healthy. And so my body did it dropped weight on the side of the road like a suitcase being dropped off at a bus station. It went it just, you know, weight just fell off of me. My Awan see plummeted down to well below six, I’m hanging around 5.1. Now, which is well below diabetic, right down to two medications instead of 23. That was 31 Add?

Susan Crews
Yeah, you’ve lost 19 medicines,

Sheila Keilty
21 medicines. 21 medicines are gone for good. Because remember, some of them were medicines for medicine side effects. Last 130 pounds and keep it off my weight has a fluctuation that it does. I’m still dealing with autoimmune issues and fibromyalgia. My body still wants to be died, even though it’s loaded, your body wants your diabetic wants to be that again, for some reason, it keeps pushing you back that way. So I have to be vigilant, I have to take care of myself. But you don’t have to be on a program that diet industry. weightwatchers is the worst, the diet industry a $62 billion a year profit. That’s the profit not just what they make. Right? They live on repeat customers, so they can’t have you be too successful because then you won’t hire them for their two points program the next year, convincing you that what you did, you just didn’t have the willpower. So we’re going to help you with that. Here’s this new points thing. Here’s this new app thing. Here’s this new approach. And they sell you over and over to be a lifetime member like use member they see your life. Why do you have to be a lifetime member? You’re successful as health coaches if our people don’t need us?

Susan Crews
That’s the goal. So yeah, that’s your goal. You want your people I have one question for you. Talk a little bit about mindset. You have you were What do you say you weigh 240 pounds 280. And you’ve lost your you’ve lost 130?

Sheila Keilty
I bounce between 140 and 150. Perfect.

Susan Crews
So So talk about your mindset.

Sheila Keilty
Well, I was introduced to mindfulness when I was in spinal rehab during all those surgeries. Okay, I was at UCLA rehab with a you know that thing on your head, the halo and you know, this whole stuff and this kid walked in, I swear he looked 12 with a brand new Dr. codon, walked in and was what I heard was your pain is all in your head. It’s all in your mind. And I’m gonna fix that. I threw him out of my room. I started throwing stuff in, don’t you see this thing on my head? This is not in my head. It’s my spine. Get out of here. You don’t know what you’re talking about. The next time I was in rehab, he peaks and he’s like, is it safe to come in? Yes, I’d looked into mindfulness a little bit, I was a little bit more open to what he was actually saying. The mind has a big role in your modulation, how pain is perceived. It’s different than it’s all in your head. What I heard was open a little bit more. And then the next time I went through six rounds of rehab, only different surgeries. And by the end, I was quite proficient and running groups and helping them I went back to school to UCLA to get a mindfulness degree to learn how to do this. And I was able to almost finish it before I moved to Portland finished it up here. But mindfulness was a big part where I came from initially for pain management. So I knew about the power of your mind and making change happen changes the hardest thing to do or even if it’s a bad something that we’re doing to ourselves unsupportive of our health or something that harms us. It feels like the old shoe. It’s what we’re comfortable with. It’s why when we break come up with the wrong kind of guy who might be abusive or something. Sometimes we end up with the same one all over again. Because our mind says, oh, that’s comfortable. And we go towards always what’s comfortable as part of our human human condition. This isn’t a weakness of ours. It’s just how our brain is wired. Well, mindfulness is actually proven in its practice to rewire you neurologically. It relies on neuroplasticity, which is the ability for your brain to create new neuro connectors and neuro pathways in your brain. So once you learn that, that you can change, it comes down to what things do you use to make those changes? How do you enforce a new normal for you. So a big part of my reboot program that I do is I work with women on mindfulness, first of all, is women, we do not have enough self compassion, we don’t think well of ourselves, were bred to think much less of ourselves and to think of other people first. And it’s part of our genetic structure as mom and women and caregiver and all those kinds of things that we do, put each other first 98% of men, when the thing pops down on the airplane to put your mask on, they put their mask on first, just 90% just they do 40% of women do 60% of us you take care of some then take care of ourselves 100% of mothers do whether their children are there or not. It’s this caretaking quality put other people first. But that also says to you, most of my clients, sadly are this way it makes me so sad when I see this, but we can work on it. And that is I am not worth the money. The time, the investment, the inconvenience to everyone around me to go on a reboot, change how my whole family eats and lives. I’m not worth that. I’m not valuable enough to make other people do that my life. And it’s astounding that that is pretty much how everybody feels. Because that’s the big question. I think Susan when someone comes down to you’re being real supportive all week about you’re on track, you’re sleeping, you’re working out you’re eating the right foods, and then Aunt Louise comes over where their homemade carrot cake cupcakes, right? Right. And that’s been your go to comfort food your whole life? Well, FOMO kicks in the fear of missing out like I gotta have one too. You know, we talk a lot about it’s not the last carrot cupcake in your life. People can have whatever they want to eat on my program. It’s not like we restrict them from having those things, but only on occasion. I have birthday cake every year, but not everybody’s birthdays. My birthday. I don’t know. Right and Tuesday, I’m sorry, Tuesday’s not an occasion. Tuesday. Right? And there is this Oh, it’s not the last cupcake sometimes works for people. But for some people it is you are worth making a different decision. Because you can have it on the program, go ahead and have it but there’s consequence, maybe the scale goes up, maybe your sugar burner kicks on. Maybe it kicks off a whole chain reaction of a whole bunch of sugar foods that you’re hooked on that you want to get back to and you start craving all those other sugar burner kicks in again, and you want all those things again, because sugar is twice as addictive as heroin and cocaine combined. It really is an addiction. It’s not your fault. Sugar is ubiquitous. It’s an everything processed has sugar. And there are 197 different ways that sugar is listed inside the labels of foods. So if you’d like I’d love for your listeners to have a copy of the 187 ways that sugars listed in their fruit. I’ll send it to you, you can provide it to them if you’d like. It’s a wonderful way to just educate yourself on reading your labels. You know like an example your the stevia packets the green stevia in the ROG, I see like at Starbucks, you think I’m being good. I’m not going to have a wreath or tall or I’m not going to have sugar I’m going to have stevia as Sheila said stevia is good the undyed coach stevia is the way to go. Not powdered stevia. The number one ingredient is dextrose. What is extra sugar, so anything that’s powdered will have sugar. The only powdered sweetener is Sweet and Low that can come without dextrose. The rest of them have sugar as its primary ingredient. Might as well just have the sugar. I just carry liquid Stevia around with me liquid Stevia, organic. It’s my buddy, it’s great. But my sugar burner turns back on very quickly and I can start craving things at night crave what other people are having I lose my resolve. I had one gal say I felt very dizzy and tired and fatigued and achy and headachy when I didn’t have all my carbs and so I gave in and I let myself have Some corn bread and toast and cupcakes and cookies that day, I just felt so much better. I felt more myself. I said substitute the word heroin in that sentence, read it back to me put heroin and she said, I haven’t had heroin all week. And I was feeling shaky and sweaty and tired. And headachy. So once I had heroin, I felt better. I felt much more myself. I said you were jonesing. For sugar. You were going through withdrawal. Right? There’s a whole protocol for how to how to do that, how to manage it. So you don’t feel that way. And she just felt she could white knuckle it. I don’t have a problem with sugar. And it’s kind of an eye opener when you do substitute that word. It’s I agree. Oh, okay. Yeah. And, yeah, it’s fascinating.

Susan Crews
I have a question for you. So your mind body method would reboot? Is that how long is that program? And you know, what should someone expect?

Sheila Keilty
Great question. The Mind Body reboot method is based on using mindfulness techniques. And the primal food is medicine techniques and all those 12 points of your lifestyle together in something that supports you in making permanent change, ending up with an effortless relationship with food in your body at the end, so you can go on and continue on your own towards metabolic flexibility and maintenance. And during that 12 week program, it’s an app driven program. So the entire program is all the lessons, all of the tasks, all the tools, all of the worksheets are all delivered via a custom app. Having been a techie, I put together of course put together

Susan Crews
you say that’s not a shocker, right?

Sheila Keilty
Well, it’s something different. So I a lot of other coaches don’t have but I had the big course the big thing of the course, the big, you know, 12 lesson thing, and it felt like a PhD in nutrition for most people. And it didn’t meet them where they were, I had busy executive women primarily as my clients who, you know, are in their 40s and 50s, and 60s, and they have lives going on, they don’t have time to stop and take this big, heavy course. So I broke the 12 weeks into 84 single lessons. So every day, it’s about 20 minutes, something you learned with a task for that day. We track your metrics, you know your weight, and waist and things we have a weekly check in. So you still have one on one time with me we get together in small cohorts and pods throughout the week. Different communities and teams of people that I curate, you know, with people I think would be in the right place for each other be friends. Lifetime friendships have been born out of my commute. It’s just wonderful. People are so supportive, all women, it’s all women. So you can we talk about everything as well, and get together and support each other, you can start any Sunday, so there isn’t like a start date for any one time and it runs 12 weeks. There’s even an audio book version of every lesson within the app. If you want to listen to the lesson while you’re putting on your makeup or making breakfast or whatever. It’s there. The eating plan is completely customized for you and how you like to eat, what you eat, what your ethnicity is, what your culture is, what it is the so we meet you where you are, so that you’re not in the corner eating rice cakes and nonfat yogurt and drink and tab or Diet Coke, you know, remember tab over the quarter, and your whole family’s eating stroganoff or something. It’s not that world. Right women, we do decide what our families eat or what our spouse and I eat. That’s culturally generally our decision. And we can raise the bar for our whole family, but it has to be food built eat, so we can live cooking shows. In addition to that we do weekly education videos like we’re doing a whole series on fermentation and gut health. I’m finishing up my degree at Harvard on human gut microbiome, so that I can help people I find that gut issues are very prominent, and a big part of the metabolic story and wanted to take a deeper dive and I share that I make that part of the program. As these things grow. We just made homemade yogurt and we had a pickle Palooza, we made a bunch of goals together. And so we do these things that teach you new habits that support you. We go on walks together on Zoom. We have field trips, where we go out to different types of restaurants and learn how to walk the reboot out into your world how to go on vacation, how to from week one, you learn how to go out to a restaurant, how to order what to look for. And there’s a whole listing of every single type of chain restaurant out there that we’re constantly adding to and what is safe to order and how to order in places so that you can maintain your standards no matter where you go. Because it’s all about raising the bar on your standards for your life. I know One of my reboot errs is going to be called Freebooters. But one of my rebuilders is going to be okay. When I hear this, in the beginning, we hear, I can’t have that, oh, when am I gonna be I can’t have pizza, all my friends repeat or whatever it is like, I can’t have that one one Debbie downer, right? You hear that? Yeah, when they say, I won’t put that my body anymore, when they draw that line. And it’s not, I can’t, but I won’t. I know they’re gonna be fine. Because once you throw down that gauntlet, once you draw that big line in the sand and say, I’m not putting industrial seed oils in my body anymore, I get to take the extra five minutes to make my own dressing or I get to buy primal kitchen or avocado based, you know, chosen or whatever the brand is. And you raise your standards for yourself and for your family and for people around you. Then the rest is easy. Then when Aunt Louise comes in with our carrot cupcakes, you can say that the last one’s world and give her a big hug, you are the best My kids love these and just walk away, you’re not tempted by it anymore. It doesn’t have its power anymore. You know, it has the power, your own well being your own self compassion, your own sense of value. So that’s where you have that effortless thing where you jump out of bed, eat everything you want to eat, because what you want to eat is healthy and delicious and satisfying and satiating, your hunger goes away, your sleep is better, your clothes fit better. Your confidence goes up. When that starts happening, and that won’t happens. I know they’re gonna be fine. So that’s what we do on the reboot is we, we shift we reboot your approach to to food and your weight and your body and what you think about yourself and what health really is. Because it’s about a healthspan not a lifespan.

Susan Crews
And I absolutely love that. I love that, you know, when you hear your clients say, I won’t, that you’ve been successful. Yeah, because they’re making good choices, or the decisions that will serve their bodies and serve

Sheila Keilty
their valuing themselves. Yeah, right?

Susan Crews
Absolutely. Oh, my gosh, she loves something tells me that we could talk for hours, we could? Uh, yes. And I could sit here and pick your brain with so many fabulous questions. And I think you know, there might be another time you might have to show up on the podcast, which would be awesome. And I know you’ve got something coming up that I want to give you a moment to talk about that. One thing I

Sheila Keilty
wanted to add about the reboot program, one of the things I learned that I had to do a lot of people say, Oh, well, I can’t afford a health coach. It’s not cheap, I gotta tell you, it’s not I can’t promise you it’s an expensive, it’s not, it’s an investment to do that it’s cheaper than an MRI co payment later on if you’re sick, but it is an investment. I’ve seen in order to address that. I have partnered with Coach financing through Asurion bank, that people can become part of what I’m doing in finance it to whatever the level they can they finance anybody for as little as $98 a month to be able to make this happen. You can use your HSAs to pay for the program, you’re in your health savings accounts, a lot of people don’t use them. And by the way, ladies, if you don’t use your HSAs the insurance companies keep those as profits. So use them, use them on someone like me. Or if it’s not me, somebody Susan, like go to someone and make that investment. I am the Health Coach I wish I had had and it wouldn’t have taken me six years to lose all that weight to it would have gone a lot faster, a lot easier. Think about

Susan Crews
this. And you know, I am not health coaching in the way that you are coaching now I am am have moved into sort of a different realm. And that’s one of the things that I love because you bring forth really great health coaching. And no, it might not have taken us six years to lose the weight. But here’s the other thing, Sheila, you probably wouldn’t have been as unhealthy. As you were, had you had the resources or the ability to find someone who believes in our food as our medicine. Yeah, that’s the big, I mean, the way the way is a problem, right? That is one of our problems.

Sheila Keilty
That’s just one of the indicators of unhealthy that is that we’re

Susan Crews
healthy, right? And that’s why, you know, that’s what I say we could sit here and talk and you know, you and I talking to each other we’re really preaching to the choir, but when we share our message, and other people hear it That’s when it’s so important. And

Sheila Keilty
I’m aware that I’m talking to you about things you already know. But I know this is going out to people. We’re trying to get our view out to people. And that’s a biggie too. And the other one is How long did it take you to get sick? How long is it going to take to get better? Absolutely. And there’s the acknowledging of how unhealthy you are a lot of people live in denial, I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m fine. Just a little bit of weight. I remember the day the doctor came in and said, The problem is you’re obese. I’m like, That’s rude. He goes, it’s not rude. It’s a diagnosis. And they’re living types of cancers even associated with this heart disease that you don’t come back from. Right. Oh, ladies,

Susan Crews
I agree. I agree. And in you know, I will tell you, it was a health coach, that actually helped me start making the transitions. So ladies, lit, I am here to share with you if you have ridden the diet roller coaster, or you have struggled with weight and cannot work through it, or your weight is really fluctuating reach out to Sheila and and I know she does a health assessment, I believe we can get to that through your website, which will be in the show notes, your lane

Sheila Keilty
book, my reboot.com, you can go right to it. And I do a free health and wellness assessment to see if you qualify for the reboot, because I don’t help everybody. I be all things to all people. If you are not a qualifier for my program, I will help you find the program that does I’ve got a very deep Rolodex, we’ll get you the help you need. Because once you reached out, you’ve made that step that you want to I don’t just want to say sorry, you don’t meet you know, right. We’re going to help you get to where you need to go. And you brought up my event coming up. I want to make sure that that

Susan Crews
thing Tell us about Sheila has an event coming up at the end of May and I wanted her to share with us all about it. So if this is something you’re interested in, you can reach out to her to

Sheila Keilty
Yes, thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to share that. It’s our masterclass that’s coming up that we do a couple times here this is the second one is called diet free in 23. So in other words this year, stop dieting diet free in 23 and go to diet free in 20 three.com Sign up for the masterclass it’s a three day masterclass just one hour each day, we’re going to take a deep dive into dense nutrition, the timing of what we’re eating, functional fitness, mindfulness, all those big areas that make a difference in your life. So whether you end up working with me or not, it’s the whole idea of it is to educate. It’s about education. It’s not a three day sales event of any kind. But we’re doing all kinds of deep discounts and and value added things for people during the masterclass. But when you come you’re going to be leaving with a user’s manual that you need to really know we have user’s manuals for our toasters and lamps. I went to IKEA yesterday, and I came home with a user’s manual, like how to use a lamp and you pull the cord like, what’s the deal, we don’t have one for our bodies. And everybody has a different opinion about how to run this thing. You need to know how your body works really works. And a big part of what we do is education of teaching people. This is how it works. Here’s the information, go forth and do what you will. But you need to know. For instance, Vitamin D is a hormone, not a vitamin. And you can’t take it orally without k two or it won’t get into your system. You know things like it, or else you’ll be sold all these vitamin D pills that do nothing except make money for the vitamin D pill company. So you need to know these things. And that’s what I want you to know in the master class.

Susan Crews
I am grateful in and listeners, the link to register for the masterclass will be in the show notes. If for some reason you have trouble finding it, be sure to reach out to me or reach out to Sheila, once again, Sheila, tell us what your website is.

Sheila Keilty
They can go to book my reboot.com they can reach me take the wellness assessment, there’s a little video of me saying hi. So you notes me. Sorry, but you’ll have to sit through another video of me. But go ahead and answer the questions. Let’s chat and let’s find out what your roadblocks and what the speed bumps have been how many millions of times you’ve been on weightwatchers like Susan and myself. And we’ll try to get to the bottom of getting your way from that role get take a step off of it and how to have a permanent health span not just a lifespan.

Susan Crews
And I love that listeners. I would like to add one other thing to this conversation. I am in looking into Sheila’s eyes and I see her and I’ve heard her story. I’ve read her story. And you know if you’re struggling you really want to consider finding a health coach that has walked this walk, because she can really understand where you are coming from when you say, I just have to have that, or I don’t know what to do to avoid making these choices. Sheila has been there, done that, and has worked through it and can share her stories and the stories of many of her clients that can help you to make a huge difference in your life. Remember, you are worth it. And you are worth doing the things that will let your radiant soul shine.

Sheila Keilty
Oh, Susan, that’s so beautifully put. Thank you so much. I can’t wait to see this out there. I’m gonna grab that clip. I gotta put it everywhere. That was so beautifully put. Thank you. You’re making me cry over here. That’s lovely.

Susan Crews
Well, thank you and thank you for your time and being here with us and I look forward to getting to know you even better. So listeners I hope you enjoy today as I’ve had the privilege to talk with Sheila kiltie and bring her forth to you in our world. And remember, she is the and diet coach and can help you live a healthier, happier life. Have a great day. That was a fun episode of the radiant soul sisters. Thank you for choosing to tune in. Be sure to join me next week when I shine the light on another beautiful woman. Till then I’m Susan cruise, your host and be sure to check out my website at Susan cruise co.com where you will find all the podcast episodes and resources for our community.

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