Some of us spend years living in fear of what others will think of us because we don’t have the examples to look to for encouragement and acceptance. Lucy Dunne was once there, but now lives her life on purpose to serve others better. In today’s episode, we chat about Lucy’s journey in both life and entrepreneurship, plus how she’s found work-life harmony through boundaries.
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Meet Lucy Dunne:
Professional donut eater, outdoor enthusiast, digital nomad, personal trainer, nutrition coach, and likely someone you can’t get enough of, Lucy founded Dunnebells with the hopes of one day impacting whole generations.
Lucy became an online personal trainer in 2016 to help others transform their life once she finally figured out a successful way to transform her own. As someone who has recovered from a binge-eating disorder, Lucy is taking her story and mixing it with her passion to radiate joy, to help women all over the world find peace in their relationship with themselves, their bodies, and with others around them.
Lucy is passionate, strong, vulnerable, hilarious, and is a best friend to many. Her parents love her, her community adores her, and her wife thinks she’s the most beautiful girl in the world. Lucy believes in giving back, which is why 10% of all sales go to a charity of your choice when you purchase an 8-week-program.
Stepping Into Her Truth
Growing up was a scary, uneasy time where Lucy was trying to conform to the norms of society, but she knew there was something different from here. She navigated so much of it internally and alone—that pressure was her own doing. She didn’t have anyone telling her that she couldn’t be gay, yet she picked it up that it wasn’t okay to be this way.
She had filled herself with limited beliefs that left her lonely, crippled by fear, and harmful thoughts. As she took the leap and shared with the people that she loved, she found her biggest fear was to not be accepted by them, yet she was welcomed with open arms for who she was. She was surrounded by the same loving and accepting people she had known her whole life.
Lucy’s Childhood Memory
When asked about her favorite memory as a child, she pointed to a collection of memories. There was always time for her parents to spend on her—nothing felt rushed. From her parents, it was always a yes. She was supported, loved, and valued. That has now encouraged her to show up on social media to be a voice and example for anyone struggling the way she did.
Lessons Learned in Entrepreneurship
As Lucy has stepped into hear role of entrepreneurship, she continues to be reminded that she is a student of life. She’s honored to be living in this life and working the dream job that she’s created! That joy doesn’t come without lessons though.
Surround yourself with support. When she first started out, she wanted to do everything by herself, grow quickly, and sacrifice everything—yet getting support can take you much further. Through joining a coworking space and entering mentorship programs, she was able to surround herself with that support.
Finding Work-Life Harmony
Lucy and her wife joke that she’ll always be an entrepreneur, which prompts the question of how to find work-life harmony!? For any entrepreneur, this doesn’t come naturally and can be a struggle. For Lucy, the biggest struggle has been to switch off from work.
To help this, Lucy has implemented the following boundaries:
- She protects her mornings by prioritizing coffee with her wife every single day. Additionally, she protects her schedule by creating boundaries on specific times and days.
- She focuses on specific tasks each day. There will always be things to work on, but by building boundaries and creating lists of things to complete on specific days, she’s now able to switch on and off in her business. If it’s not on that list and it’s not for today, it can wait.
- She’s found a dedicated work space to create separation from her home life. Whether it’s a home office space or a coworking space, it can help you distinguish that separation!
Living Life on Purpose to Serve Others Better
Lucy has decided to live life like it’s her last. We don’t know how long we’re here for, so why not go for it! Don’t worry about waiting to do something—take action now!
Enter to Win
Lucy has been kind enough to open up a giveaway for our listeners! Enter to win a seat in her 8-week program!
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Susan Crews
Are you ready to get strong and show up as yourself every single day, Lucy Dunn has lost over 50 pounds and shows up authentically as herself in her work and her life. She has built a safe community of over 1000 women worldwide who are committed to getting stronger and creating happier, healthier life. Enjoy Lucy’s beautiful Australian accent Are you dreaming of having the time and energy to create a life you love? Is your calendar full of events? And you’re thinking, there’s no time for me? Do you look like you have it all together on the outside, but on the inside, you’re a hot mess. You’re frustrated and tired all the time. Susan Cruz shines the light on successful women in a few men who have busted the exhaustion cycle by prioritizing herself, released any guilt and have found inner peace while creating a life they love filled with harmony. Join Susan’s candid conversations to learn how these successful women illuminated their inner life to create a radiant life. Welcome to the radiant soul sisters.
Susan Crews
listeners today I am so excited because I have one of my new friends. Lucy done here on this episode with me. But the beautiful part is you are going to get to sit and listen and enjoy Lucy’s beautiful accent. Because Lucy is in Australia. And here I am in the southern part of the United States with my southern accent. So Lucy, I am so excited. You’re here today. And I’m not going to talk a lot because I want to hear your accent as well as what you had to say.
Lucy Dunne
Oh, thank you so much for having me, Susan, and I could listen to your accent all day long. So one time for all the listeners.
Susan Crews
That’s right. That’s right. my Canadian friends sometimes will ask me questions just to get me to answer and I’m like, Oh, you’ll do this to me.
Lucy Dunne
anybody of any time in North America myself. And so you might find some twangs that sneak in that sound familiar to you. And so we’ll see what happens.
Susan Crews
That’s right, super fun. Well, listeners, Lucy is the founder of dumbbells, which is an online personal training service for women. And one of the things that I really love is, as I was getting to know, Lucy, I learned about her values and, and really what she’s trying to do with her programs. And she believes in honesty inclusivity, she believes in strength training and a safe community for women to show up and be themselves. I want to repeat that show up and be themselves. They get to learn how to lift heavy and eat what they want, have fun, and get really strong and live a well balanced life being who they are. And Lucy, that is a great gift to share with everyone.
Lucy Dunne
Yeah, I have to pinch myself most days to be honest that I get to wake up and work with these incredible women all over the world. And if you had asked me a few years ago, when I thought I would be doing this or in this position, then I would have sort of not even believed a smidge of this was possible. And so I’m sure we’ll get into that in a little bit. But it’s just such a beautiful thing to be able to help amazing, incredible women around the world become that best version of themselves. And the awesome part is that they’re surrounded by this community of other women. And to see that in the in the current state of the world. Like every single day, it just makes me smile. It gives me the warm fuzzies because it’s so nice to see other women lifting each other up and supporting each other wholeheartedly. Just because the goodness of their heart and because they care and because we can do things together. And so it really is it’s a beautiful thing. And I really have to pinch myself sometimes this is that this is what I get to do with my days. And well
Susan Crews
in you know, it’s almost like I’m having a pinch myself moment right now. Because if you think about it, and not that long ago, Lucy, you and I would have been talking on the phone and a conference call, right? We wouldn’t be sitting here on Zoom looking at each other and recording a podcast that we’re going to be able to share with the world right and to share our stories and what we’re doing to try to make the world a better place. And I just it it’s great. It’s awesome that we get to do this you know Before we really move into the meat of it, I’d like to tell our listeners a little more about you because you shared your story so beautifully with me and, you know, listeners, Lucy was terrified to open up to others about being gay and about what she really wanted to live. And you know what, Lisa, I’m gonna let you take over right there and kind of tell us a little bit more because you’ve helped 1000s of women worldwide. And it’s because you stepped into this truth. Share a little more about that with us.
Lucy Dunne
Yeah, it was terrifying for me, like growing up, you know, I know, everybody has their story. And everybody’s is different. And for me, it was just a really scary, uneasy time. For me, I didn’t know what I was supposed to be feeling, I sort of tried to conform to these norms of going on dates, or taking the boy to the high school thing that we were going through whatever that looked like. But I always knew that there was like something different there. And I wasn’t interested in the same way that my friends were. And so for me, it was just this lonely, solo navigating journey. And a lot of it was the pressure that I put on myself, when I look back, it wasn’t that I had all of these external sources telling me that it was wrong to be gay, or any of those things that perhaps you hear and other stories, but for whatever reason, I had picked that up from multiple places growing up that it was not okay to be this way. And so I kept it a secret for such a long time. And there’s multiple people that I’ve told with these stories that I look back on, and I’m a little bit, I guess, embarrassed about how I even came out, or how I even told these people who loved me to pieces, and would never judge me would never disarm me. But that was my biggest fear was being essentially kicked out of hard left by my family and the to live with those sorts of fears. Every single day, it’s, it’s somewhat crippling. And then to then come on the other side, where it’s like, people will welcome you with open arms and love you and love the people that you bring home that you know are part of your life and important to you. It just it comes full circle. And you start to realize, well, like where did some of those beliefs come from where in some of those horrible thoughts come from but to me, it was filled with a lot of tears, it was filled with a lot of loneliness, isolation, and horrible thoughts about myself trying to change who I was just so I could be accepted?
Susan Crews
Well, in some way or in society, you know, you were picking up these cues and these these ideas, not necessarily by the people that that loved you and loved you dearly, right. And you know, that that brings me to the question, we talked a little bit about it. I was asking you, you know, what are some of your favorite childhood memories, right? And I’m gonna let you share with our listeners what that is. And then I want to bring that into what we just chatted about. So what what is one of your favorite childhood memories?
Lucy Dunne
Yeah, one of the things that comes to mind instantly, when you ask that is sort of a collection of a number of memories. And one, you know, one thing that pops out specially for my parents, like I had a great upbringing, everything was you know, if you were to write about it, it was perfect. No, a loving, supportive family were encouraged me to try anything, do anything. But one thing that I always remember was the time that they always seemed to have. And so I can’t imagine, as you know, I’m not yet a parent. And one of my biggest I guess fears is feeling like a busy parent or not feeling like I have the time or the space or the patience to give these child or children this like beautiful upbringing. And so one of my fondest memories is, it just always felt like there was a lot of time if I wanted to try something. It was not even a question. Yep, let’s go outside. And let’s put that thing together if I wanted to go and rollerblade and it was late at night, yep. Let’s go up to that local car park that’s really smooth. And I’ll take you there. And it just this over time is like a really fond memory of just everything was a yes. And I’m sure there were plenty of knows, but those are not sticking out. Like, all of those times where it was like, you know, just encouraging me to support me to try these new things and to give me the space and time where nothing felt rushed, nothing urgent. Everything was just really, time really slow, really easy. And as a child, I think that in his busy society we live in, that’s something that I’m really looking forward into, hopefully when I become a mom to be able to give that time and I think it’s one of our most valuable assets. And I’m sure we’ll get into that later. But it is something that I really have as a fond memory of that was always a yes, it was always let’s do it. And you know,
Susan Crews
there there are a couple of things that that I think about as you talk about that time that was given to you. You were supported. You were loved. You knew that you were valued. Right. So you had that strong support system. It him and those people who loved you unconditionally, yet you were struggling with the fear of what others were going to think or even as you said, you know, maybe being kicked out by your family, even though I think probably deep down in your heart, you knew or prayed that that it was going to be okay. And it sounds like to me that your parents had done a wonderful job of preparing you
Lucy Dunne
to be you. Absolutely, they, they couldn’t have done a better job, in my opinion. And it was preconceived ideas that I had picked up from who knows where I have not been able to pinpoint it. And so one thing that I really try and advocate for now is showing, even if it’s on social media, it’s showing that love can come in all forms, it’s showing that this is actually what a same sex relationship looks like. And I find that to be very important, likely because of the what I was surrounded by when I was growing up. And I never really sold those things. They were never in the shows that I was watching. It was never in the movie that I never knew any adults that had that sort of relationship. And sorry, I can only think that if I saw something like that, as normal as a other relationship that I was saying, I perhaps wouldn’t have been as crippled by that fear of what would happen if I were wanting to be heard.
Susan Crews
Right? Well, you know, the one thing that that I know, the greatest four letter word ever, is love. You know, and it comes down to that love, we got to love ourselves first. And we’re going into that, we’ve got to love ourselves first. And the more we love ourselves, the more we can love others. And you know, that’s, that’s my only job here on Earth, to love others, no matter what your choices are, or whether we agree or we disagree, or whatever your job is to love others unconditionally. And I think that’s awesome, how you learn to love yourself and unconditionally, and are doing great things, building a community worldwide, where everyone is welcomed, and loved, right?
Lucy Dunne
That’s just it. Yeah, and a lot of these, you know, it may be that we’re doing strength training, and we’re talking about nutrition. And we’re doing these things that are a part of people’s lives. But I believe what keeps people into that community is the way that we all talk to each other and the way that we support each other. And you’re right, the love that is there for complete strangers to a lot of these people. It’s really fascinating to watch that, as humans, we are wired for that connection. And we can we can find it. And it can be really incredible when there’s story after story that I could share around ones that have been formed with these women that don’t even know each other, or how they’ve shown up for each other when someone needs it. It’s just incredible in that there’s so many of them. And that really just restores my faith of like how important love is connection and all those good things in life. That’s right.
Susan Crews
That’s we’re made to do life together. You know, we are made to do life together. So you know, Lucy, you have started building in, probably would say, Bill, but continuing to build this amazing online community where you’re a personal trainer, you work with people learning how to eat without having to be on the latest diet fad, and really helping people to be able to enjoy life, but to be strong while we’re while they’re doing that. What are some of the lessons? Or what would you say is the biggest lesson you’ve learned about being an entrepreneur or CEO having to grow your business? Well, I
Lucy Dunne
feel like I’m a student of life, and I will be forever learning. My wife. And I often say, you know, would you think I’ll do this forever, like, you know, everyday feels like a dream. So it doesn’t ever feel like work? And I’d say to her, I don’t think so there’s surely there’ll be a time where something changes, or that we just, you know, sit on a beach and actually relax, like you see online and share responses. You will always be an entrepreneur and you will always be starting something near and say one of the biggest lessons that I have learned is the power of surrounding yourself with support. And so when I first started out it was something that I was just so gung ho on doing by myself, I would sort of in this hustle quote unquote, culture where I just thought I needed to do it all Lauren grow really quickly sacrifice everything. And yeah, one of my biggest lessons is how much better it can be when you have support from others that are also building their businesses, support from others who have gone where you want to go and can share some of their lessons. And so a number of things that I’ve done is sort of around leaning into that. So or joining a co working space and being surrounded by other entrepreneurs. That was huge for me and our V realisation, oh, I don’t need to sit at home and do this just by myself with my laptop. And then going into mentorship programs and having coaches and support around has been huge and isn’t necessarily what I would say is absolutely required. But one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is how powerful it can be and how it can help you grow as a CEO, but it can help you grow in your personal life as well, from the things that you learn.
Susan Crews
I couldn’t agree with you more that, that learning that we don’t have to do it alone. And then the the abundance mindset also, that you know what you might be sitting in that co working space by another personal trainer, building an online program, but there might be something that this person knows that can share with you and that you can share. And you know what, there’s enough people in the world for you both to do extremely well. Right, exactly.
Lucy Dunne
And especially in my opinion, when it comes down to things like trainers, I’m not for everyone, and I’m totally okay with that there will be some people that they’ll hit my website, or they’ll land on my socials. And they will say that is not my person. And that is totally okay, because their person is out there. But for a lot of people, they’ll say, Yes, this resonates, this is what I’ve been looking for. And I cannot wait to get started. And that abundance mindset of there is enough for everybody. I’ve got a lot of friends in the industry. And yes, absolutely go go to them, they’re going to be able to support you more. And that’s a beautiful place to be.
Susan Crews
And that’s it when you find your people, you know, you’ve got your people, right? They did. So I love that you mentioned that, that your wife said you were talking about well, I can’t wait till we can go sit on the beach and relax and your your wife said to you, well, you know, you’re always going to be an entrepreneur, you’re always going to be doing something. And that is an awesome compliment. But it also comes with the question, you know, I talk about work life harmony, I talk about our life being this gorgeous symphony. And we work to keep it in harmony. Sometimes you’re playing one instrument way harder than the other. And you might not be quite in tune, but but the goal is to keep it flowing and the beautiful sounds. What are what did you do to work towards work life harmony, being the entrepreneur and the go getter that you are?
Lucy Dunne
Yeah, it’s one of my biggest struggles, I would say to be completely honest with you. It’s something that I understand actually, what I found, when I love what I do, it doesn’t necessarily feel like work. So when I’m doing things in, that are sort of related to either growing the business or working with clients, it doesn’t feel like oh my gosh, I can’t wait to finish this, like a lot of people feel with their nine to five jobs. And so for me, it’s been really hard. It’s been one of my biggest challenges to switch off to actually take breaks to disconnect from the business and find myself as a person still. And so it’s been like one of my big beasts. And so one thing that I found that really helps me is protecting my mornings. So knowing that coffee with my wife is one of my values. It’s something that we really enjoy together. And it’s something that this entrepreneur life gives us this freedom and flexibility to have we’re no longer waking up, kiss goodbye, running off to jobs. So why would we not be texted beautiful time that we now have together that we’ve always talked about happening. And so that’s one thing that helps me every single day, realize, yep, you’re the boss, you get to call the shots, and you get to you know, have this time for yourself. And then the other thing would be just really protecting schedule in general and making sure that to be able to serve my team and my clients in the best way possible. I do need to have some breaks. And I do need to have some time and so meetings are only ever on a certain day and clients can absolutely book in for their, you know, calls that are included in their program. And these are our time slots that we have available. And so it’s been a hard shift because all I want to do is help absolutely everybody but if I help absolutely everybody all the time, I’m actually not helping anybody. And so that was one of my biggest learnings is just being really protective of my time really protective of my calendar because that’s what helps me recharge and that’s what helps me be able to show up and serve better and that’s been a hard pill to swallow because in making changes to my schedule and not being so available. I felt like I was turning my back on people and not showing up in the in the way that I had envisioned for the company however it’s been proven now with enough time that it actually is really helpful for everybody myself included.
Susan Crews
Oh my goodness, Leslie, I can so relate to you because I have tried to live in the hustle world you know that’s what we were taught most of us are a lot of us I was raised by entrepreneurs and my both of my parents are workaholics. Right. Well I’m not designed How to work 6070 hours a week. I’m designed to work in these really big spurts of energy, and then play. Yeah. And when I first started shifting to that mindset, I felt I put a lot of pressure on myself, because I felt like I was being lazy, right. But what I’ve learned is I serve better, just like you said, when you learn that you could take care of your calendar, and be in control of your calendar, instead of letting your calendar control you, you’re better able to serve those clients.
Lucy Dunne
Yeah, absolutely. And I would say it’s still something that I’m working on. And one really helpful tip that has sort of helped me is as entrepreneurs, there’s always going to be, in my opinion, something that we could be doing. So whether it’s something over in sales, whether it’s something over in marketing, whether it’s something over an accounting, like there’s always going to be little things that we could put our finger in and work on. And so having an actual list of things in I use Asana, which is a free project management tool, and that’s what our team uses. And so having a list of the things that I actually need to do on that day, right, that really helps me get those things done. And then I’m able to switch off, whereas before, I would just have this big long list in my head of things that needed to get done or needed to be worked on or could be created, or whatever it may be. And it was always go, go, go. So now what I find is I live in breeds by that it’s not on that list. And it’s not for today, but it doesn’t matter, it can wait, and my team doesn’t need it. And my clients aren’t asking for it. And that’s been a really nice shift for me to log into that every morning. Oh, today, I have nothing oh, maybe tomorrow, I have three things that sort of helped me to be able to then if I’m sitting there at one o’clock on a Wednesday reading a book not feel so guilty about,
Susan Crews
right? Well, do you think you mentioned that you’ve joined a co working space? Also, do you find that on the days when you choose to go there, I don’t know if you go every day. But that that also helps to control that calendar. Because when you go there, you’re working on those things on that list, right. And when you leave, or you’re done,
Lucy Dunne
things have shifted a little bit with that just recently, we’ve just we’ve spent a lot of the last few years moving around. So we used to live in a different Airbnb every single month. And it was really fun. But often they were really small. And so in those instances, having a space to do you know, designated work is, in my opinion, so crucial driver. Now having a bit more of a office set up at home, I’m finding that I can still be as productive as a co working space. And so I think for me, it’s just that feeling of a designated space for whatever reason works really well for me, whereas I feel like if I’m got my laptop on the couch, or I’m at the kitchen counter that just feels in my brain a little chaotic. And so it’s just been something that I’ve identified, whether it be a co working space, whether it be a home office for me, and everybody’s different, but for me that designated space really helps me like you said, when it’s done, switch off, walk away. So whether it’s a office space at home, or a co working space, that’s been really helpful for me, because otherwise I’ll I’ll continue to just all of a sudden I find myself working when I’m actually relaxing.
Susan Crews
Yes, yes, I hear you. You know, you mentioned that one of the tips or things that you do to really nurture your soul is have your morning coffee with your wife. But I know there’s something else that I find fascinating that you’ve shared with me that you do to make your radiant show Soulshine every day and if you needed clue I can give it to you. But do you know the other thing you said?
Lucy Dunne
I definitely need a clue.
Susan Crews
Do you have a little further baby?
Lucy Dunne
Yes. Oh,
Susan Crews
yeah. Tell us a little bit about that special one.
Lucy Dunne
Yes, she is special to say the least. So adopted her about eight months ago now. And she’s sort of one and a half. So still, our friend reminded us last night Oh, she’s still a puppy which we forget sometimes because we feel like we’re just constantly on her for everything. But she is she was born deaf. She’s a Australian cattle dog cross with a Kelpie. So two of the most high energy breeds that you
Susan Crews
can just say whoa, that’s high energy right there. Yeah,
Lucy Dunne
so our life is consumed by this beautiful little beautiful dog and she’s you know, if you need to see further proof, she’s over on my Instagram all the time. But she knows you know, we basically communicate with hand signals and we had no idea we were so naive. We didn’t we’ve never even met a deaf dog before. We’ve we didn’t even know dogs could be born deaf, we know that they’re like older dogs that start to lose their hearing and lose their sight a little bit. But they’ve already learned all of their things. They’ve already gone through a big, happy, long life. And so, to us, it was this beautiful challenge. And we waited so long, like I mentioned, we moved around a lot. And it was never the right time to get a dog even though we just wanted one so badly. And we finally the perfect dog was waiting for us. And we adopted her and she is a big part of our day in terms of time. And so back to that, like almost that original point, I view, that responsibility and that training and that time that’s so important to give her the best life and also it’s such a stress reliever if anything is ever going. You know if anything’s ever said everyone who has an animal knows they are just the best companions, but training with her walking, playing whatever it may be every single day. It’s just such a
Susan Crews
Well, I I just I can’t imagine training a Deaf puppy when when I read that I was really pondered that because you’re right, our four legged fur babies bring us so much joy, right and a great stress relief. Not long ago, I had Hazel, my 18 month old German Shepherd on Instagram. I put her out there. I walk her every day. And I’m like, oh my goodness, what if she couldn’t hear me whistling for her? What if she couldn’t, and in your pup can’t hear that? You know, so you’ve had to learn to adjust. So that’s really cool. Really, really cool. And I enjoy seeing her on on your socials. So that’s just awesome. Oh, my goodness.
Lucy Dunne
She’s got the biggest ears in the world and just for looks.
Susan Crews
That’s okay. Well, lover, we will we will definitely love her and hang in there. I will tell you, Hazel, she’s she’s really yeah, she’s 18 months. And I actually had girlfriends over for dinner last night. And I was telling my husband when he got home. I’m like, Oh my gosh, Hazel’s growing up, you wouldn’t believe how well behaved she was when my girlfriends were here. So it was it was nice, because we felt like we had like, moved over another Punk in her training. Yeah,
Lucy Dunne
it’s a really special time when you get to notice those things. And you’ll look back, let’s say in three years, and remember all of the little things that you’ve been through those leaves that have turned, but it’s such a such an awesome time there. They’re just want to learn they want to they’re just part of the family and some of those other things in life happen with your little furry friend there at the same time. It’s really nice. So we’re in the thick of that we just
Susan Crews
call it fun. What fun. So let me see, I know you’ve brought a gift for our listeners. So if you’ll share that, and then also tell our listeners how they can find you. It will be in the show notes that go ahead and tell us. Yeah, so
Lucy Dunne
we’ll definitely put the link in the show notes. And so we’ve touched on it a little bit. But the the reason that I get up every single morning, the thing that lights me up is helping these women all around the world. So we really focus on strength training, we help them with their nutrition, it has all stemmed from my own personal weight loss journey of losing 65 pounds, I struggled with it. And so this is not just oh, I was born, this Fit Trainer, like a lot of my other friends. I know everything I came out of the womb, being able to do exercise, and I have this program. It’s the opposite of that. It’s all of the struggles that I face on this horrible weight loss journey now wrapped into an eight week program to be able to really support people go against what they’re, you know, the restrictive diets and the intense exercises every day. It’s it goes against what we sort of see as the answer to feeling our best. And so we do work hard. Don’t get me Don’t get me wrong, but we we have a lot of fun while we do it. And so we’re happy to give away two spots into that eight week program for all of your listeners to say thank you for listening. If there are any questions that anybody has about anything, Instagram is the best place to get in contact. And that’s a fantastic place to just get in touch. If you have any questions about your health, your wellness again, that’s what I feel like I was put here to help people with took me a long time to realize that in a pretty painful journey to be honest, however, I’m always happy and no strings attached chat chat with people if that’s what they want to have, if I can help in any way. I’m more than happy to do that. So we can put the link for the spots to when with instructions on how to enter and then my instagram handle is at dumbbells which I’m sure we can also throw in the notes on there. That’s where I over share everything about my life. So you’re more than welcome to come on the journey.
Susan Crews
That’s right, if you would go ahead and spell out at dumbbells So if anybody is listening and picks up their phone and wants to check it out right now.
Lucy Dunne
Yeah, so it’s at dumbbells, D, U, and E. B, E, Ll. S.
Susan Crews
Perfect. Listeners you have it. And if this episode has you thinking about how to put your first self first, while living a life on purpose, and living and work life harmony, be sure and connect with Lucy, and also connect on my socials at Susan Crisco. And if you would like to chat, reach out to Lucy to chat with her. Or you can reach out to me at Susan and schedule a time for a conversation. Lucy, I have learned so much, and I’ve had so much fun talking with you. And before we conclude this episode, you know, is there one last tip or suggestion that you would like to share with our listeners in living this life on purpose and a life where you’re putting yourself first so you can serve others more? Yeah, I get
Lucy Dunne
goose bumps when you ask the question, which is interesting. That’s such a great question. I would say that one of the things that I really try and do every single day is is live it like it is my last. And so I am just surrounded by conversations of people saying that they’re you know, they’re waiting for this. And they have this great business idea. And they just not sure where to start, or they have waiting until they finish this or save enough for that to go into the whatever it is this. What I’m trying to get across here is we don’t we don’t necessarily know how long we’re all here for. And so one of my biggest things is, go for it. What’s the worst thing that is going to happen if you just back yourself and you just go for it? And this is something that I think a lot of people sometimes can, they weren’t necessarily love that reminder. But when you sit with it for a little bit in the discomfort, it’s like, what are we waiting for? Why don’t we back ourselves? Why don’t we start that thing we want to start? Why don’t we book that trip? We really want to why don’t we trust ourselves? We’ve made it this far. So it’s time to really remind yourself of why wouldn’t I go for it? And so I really try and live by every single day Every decision I make. It’s like well, I live once. Let’s go
Susan Crews
there you go there you go. In You know, I think some of that attitude and and you’re you’re right are insane. Your life has been a journey. Our lives are all a journey. And, you know, I look back on my life and they’re painful points, right. But they’re also are great joyous points. And just thinking about what you’ve shared with us today, you know, your your parents would take you to that park to find the smoothest place to skate, right. So just go for it. Just go for it. I love that Lucy. That’s
Lucy Dunne
Life is short. And I think a lot of people have this flame inside them that they’re giving. And I think it’s time especially as women that we turn that flame right off and we start living our true life.
Susan Crews
Absolutely. Absolutely, listeners. I hope you have enjoyed this episode with Lucy dawn, and we have had great conversations today it is a true joy to get to know her and to see how she is shining her light on other women to make their radiant soul shine. Join us next time as I shine my light on another radiant soul sister. And until then I’m Susan cruise, your host and you can find all our resources and all the links from today’s episode at Susan cruise That was a fun episode of the radiant soul sisters. Thank you for choosing to tune in. Be sure to join me next week when I shine the light on another beautiful woman. Till then I’m Susan cruise, your host and be sure to check out my website at Susan cruise where you will find all the podcast episodes and resources for our community.
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