Radiant Soul Sisters Podcast – Susan Trumpler

Welcome to the Radiant Soul Sisters Podcast!

Episode #7

Today my guest is Susan Trumpler, Founder, Unstoppable Women in Business

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Susan C

I am so excited to have with us on this episode, my friend and radiant soul sister Susan Trumpler of Unstoppable Women in Business. Susan and I met through women entrepreneurs Inc. which is a networking group and were immediately connected. I have worked with Susan in one on one coaching as well as in her group program, The Success Collaborative. Her wisdom and coaching have been invaluable, but her friendship is priceless. Susan, I am so glad you’re here today.

Susan T

Oh, you give me chills. Susan crews. You’re one of my favorite people in the entire world. Thank you for having me.

Susan C  

Yes. Thank you. So Susan, I love to get to know people and getting to know a little bit about our past and our childhood always gives details into who we are today, right? So tell me what is one of your favorite childhood memories?

Susan T

Oh, Susan, I had the best – I really had a magical childhood. I was very lucky. I grew up in Buffalo, New York, the child of two immigrant parents, my father. My father was first generation, his parents were from Sicily. And my mom and dad or my mom was from the UK. But here’s the thing. We grew up in a very tight family unit. And my birthday was my very favorite day of the year. Unfortunately, it fell on the real Memorial Day like the real Memorial Day. So I never got to go to school on my birthday. And I always felt like oh, kind of like cheated. Because I wasn’t the kid who could bring cupcakes to school on my birthday, right? But my mother made it so special for me. Literally I, in my mind, she did it every year. I’m not certain it was every year but a lot. We would ride the bus to the city zoo. And just her and I so when you’re in a family with four kids, right? And she takes you one on one for this type of an experience. Riding the bus was so cool to me. And then even just you know, just spending the day at the zoo. It just… if you asked me that question and that was the first memory that came to mind is how much I enjoyed those times that I was able to spend with her.

Susan C  

You know, I hear a couple of things there. Susan. Number one celebrating your birthday. You know, birthdays are important. And my oldest son, he’s like, ah, it’s just my birthday. And I’m like, oh, no, it is YOUR birthday, YOUR day. Celebrate! Well, I love that. I heard celebrate your birthday. I also heard that one on one time with your mom. And oh my gosh, how valuable right?

Susan T 

Yes. That’s part of my DNA, Susan. I love deepening relationships. I am a one on one person. I’m not like you. Like girl, you can walk in any room and there’s not one stranger in that room to you. Where I’m more like I’ll walk in a room and I’ll kind of like look around and try to just find the person I think I’ll be able to gel with and then I want to spend time getting to know them going deep. And so yeah, I guess that does and and also just just make notice. I still like to celebrate my birthday. I like to have a birthday month. And it used to be just the day. It used to be a week and now it’s like it is my month from the first of the month to the end. Like I treat myself like a princess.

Susan C  

And you know how many more people need to do that. Right? How many more women need to learn to celebrate you?

Susan T 

Yeah, Susan, I do think a lot of people get hung up on wanting that external validation that you know. And I think it’s such an easy problem to fix. Why you celebrate yourself and when you take care of yourself. You need less from other people.

Susan C

Absolutely. Yes, absolutely. I actually heard this yesterday that when you take care of yourself and when you are open to receive the universe notices and starts sending more your way.

Susan T 

Oh I  love that. Yes.

Susan C  

Isn’t that interesting? And what a great thought especially you know, as you know, Susan, I’m a nurturer. And I can over give and I have had to learn how to receive. I’ve had to learn how to celebrate my birthday. Right? And what a difference it makes. So that is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. I can just see little Susan and her Mom getting on the bus going to the zoo for the day and just celebrating how fun, super fun. So Susan, let’s switch over a little bit to being an entrepreneur and in talking about that, and, you know, tell me what is the biggest lesson that you have learned about being yourself or about being an entrepreneur?

Susan T

Oh, that’s such a great question. Because Susan, I am what I consider an accidental entrepreneur. I didn’t, I didn’t grow up like, oh, I want to own my own business, I want to be, you know, on my own. I was a corporate girl for 20 plus years. And I liked it, because I’m a collaborator, too. And I know that about myself. I love collaborating. And so I did find myself in the corporate world they call rift. Reduction in force, you know it happened where there was a private equity buyout, and they just made my position obsolete. And I was like, oh, my goodness. Wow. And so the, the hard worker in me and I do I actually have a high value of hard work. I said, okay, I gotta figure this out. I gotta replace that income pretty quickly. So that was my start. I just started tapping into my network, the people that I knew, and I’m like, hey, you know, I’m available, do you have anything that you need help with? And sure enough, it was not hard to find a few contracts where it replaced my income. And then from there, it was just one thing after the other unfolded in front of me. Like, beyond ROI, do you want to buy this company? Yes, there you go. Now I have a company. So I think if you, if I answer your question directly, what is the thing that surprised me is I am surprised I can do it.  I constantly think about, like, how did I get here? And isn’t it amazing that I can actually do this, it’s like, I learned that I do have grit and that I do have creativity. And I’m pretty darn good at what I do. And there’s a need for it. So it just it makes me happy that I it’s been 13 years now. And I am a single woman. I’m not married. And sometimes I just think, wow, I look around and I think I did this. Like I have this home. I have a lifestyle I enjoy. And I’m just really proud of the fact that I did it. 

Susan C 

Yeah and you should be. You should be proud because being an entrepreneur is not easy. You know, it is not easy. And I know family is very important to you as well. Right? It is. So learning how to have that work life harmony with being an entrepreneur and being totally responsible for yourself, right. And then still having time for your daughter’s or your mom and your dad, you know, all the all the things. So it is. And so you know that that brings up work life harmony. You know, you’ve had to work through some hard things, right, while you’ve been building this business. So what’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned there?

Susan T

Yeah, I think that managing your mind is the most essential skill that you can ever conquer as an entrepreneur. Because, yeah, there’s a lot of things pulling you in different directions. Especially if you’re a mom of young kids, or you know, a lot of kids or aging parents that need your time and attention. You could get wrapped up in that feeling of anxiety and overwhelm, like, oh my gosh, I’m never in the where I should be. I should be doing this, and I’m over here, if I’m over here doing this, I think I should be. So if you let that consume you, it actually grinds you to a halt. I’d like to, I like to say that the feeling of overwhelm is an indulgent feeling. It’s a feeling that stops you in your tracks and keeps you in a place where your primitive brain feels like you’re safe. So, just really understanding that harmony is, harmony is something you create for yourself in the way that you think about things. And that you’re always questioning the thoughts in your mind and saying, is that really true? Is that really true? Or is that something that I can look at from a different way and be able to come to a different feeling on it. And so I can create my own harmony by just looking at things. Like figuring out how I want to approach it.

Susan C

Nice. I like that I like that a lot. And yes, mindset is something you’ve got to work on all the time or I do anyway. 

Susan T  

Oh everyone does Susan, everyone and it’s something it’s just like you and I talked about this all the time when you’re working with me. I call it the peas under the mashed potatoes, remember? Nobody wants to work on mindset. No one wants to work on mindset. Those are the peas. Nobody likes peas necessarily. They like mashed potatoes, right? You love the outcome, you want to have that harmony in your life? Well, sorry, sometimes you got to eat some peas to get there.

Susan C

Exactly. Exactly. Well, you know, speaking of mindset and creating harmony and that often is created or begins in the mind. What is something that you do everyday that makes your radiant soul shine?

Susan T

Oh, gosh, Susan, you know, I love my girls. I’ve got two beautiful daughters and I love them to pieces. But my dogs actually trump my daughters sometimes when it comes to joy, because they’re grown right? And I can’t always be leaning into them. Right? Hey, hey, it’s mom. You know, my kids, my little – my furry kids they’re right here in my office with me. And we walk and I laugh and I play with them. And I literally just hug the heck out of them. Because I love them to pieces and they do bring me joy. So I have to say that is one of the things I do every day and I lean into to bring that feeling of joy.

Susan C

Absolutely. And you know, do you think that our dogs for those of us who are dog lovers, that, you know, Jimmy refers to Hazel as my therapy session. You know they offer us so much joy, and they can do something that they know they’re not supposed to do. They get fussed at but they turn around and wag their tail at you, right? Yeah. And you know, so I do think there, there’s so much joy that they bring for those of us who love dogs. So what, uh, I know, I know Walter and Kirby, do bring you a lot of joy. And Walter has got some fun stories that sometime we’re gonna have to get out there and share.

Susan T

Crazy. He’s a golden doodle, and he’s a puppy and oh boy, does he know how to get into trouble.

Susan C 

There you go. There you go. We;; Susan, thank you so much for being here today. And I do have one question left. However, before we get there, I know you brought something along that you would like to give to our listeners or share with our listeners and also will you let them know how they can connect with you? I’ll put them in the show notes but let’s hear from you.

 Susan T

Absolutely. Thank you Susan. So if you are an entrepreneur because that is my business is supporting women entrepreneurs in helping them a clean up their mindset around sales, but really learning good skills and processes and how to get out there and promote themselves. One of the things that I share is foundational. It is something called Getting to Yes faster. And it is a, it’s a video series. It’s a little masterclass. I say it’s for sales. But believe it or not, I think we’re all in sales, Susan.

Susan C  

I agree with you 100% Susan.

Susan T

So this little class is really a communications class, like how can you connect with someone in a way that you truly understand what’s important to them. And how can you influence them to come closer to you in a way that you know would be helpful for them. So it is good for sales, but it’s not a bad thing for you to take if you’re a mom. When I was doing this work full time and putting it together my kids were like, mom you gotta stop. You gotta stop coaching me. I know what you’re doing. But I’m telling you it really works. Getting to Yes Faster. You can get it at gtyfaster.com

Susan C 

Say that one more time.

Susan T  

Sure, you can get it at gtyfaster.com.

Susan C

That’s perfect. Perfect. And ladies, if this episode has you thinking about how to put yourself first while living your life on purpose, and creating work life harmony, be sure and connect with me on all my socials @SusanCrewsCo. Also, if you want to schedule a time to chat, reach out on our website, SusanCrewsCo.com. and let’s get together. Lastly, if you want to bring excitement and energy to your next event, you can always talk with me about being your speaker at your event. Susan, I have learned so much from you today. I will always treasure the story of your birthday going to the zoo. I actually have goosebumps as I say that because I did try to make my children’s birthdays super special as well. But looking back on everything that you’ve shared with us today, what is the one tip for that woman who might be seeking to live her life on purpose while creating work life harmony? What is that biggest piece of advice or one tip that you would love to share with her?

Susan T

The thing that comes to mind Susan is again overwhelm. I think as women we do try to conquer the world in one bite, right? So stay out of overwhelm. Be patient, one step at a time. One small shift in your life stacked on top of each other as it’s appropriate becomes a way to live your life that you don’t even recognize yourself after a year. So be patient and don’t try to change everything at once.

Susan C

I love that. I absolutely love that, Susan, because you’re right we want to have it all, be it all, do it all, all right now. And you’ve had to work with me on mindset around that. You’re right, Susan, take one step. Do one thing. Let’s get that done and done well. So thank you. Thank you so much for that big, great piece of advice you know, that we all need to listen to. I hope you all have enjoyed another episode of The Radiant Soul Sisters. And so many thanks to my dear friend, Susan Trumpler for being here today. Join us next time when we’ll shine a light on another radiant soul sister on her path to work life harmony and creating a life she loves. Till then. I’m your host Susan Crews. And remember you can find all the episodes, resources, community, and much more on my website SusanCrewsCo.com.