
Embracing Who You’re Meant to Be with Carrie Vee

Are you living the life you are supposed to? We’re all meant to be someone, but oftentimes we let situations hold us back. After losing her brother at a young age, Carrie embraced a journey to stepping into her power and being who she was meant to be.

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Words of Wisdom – Embracing Who You’re Meant to Be

Carrie Vee went into the corporate ladder climb, quickly realizing how much she hated it. When her brother got sick at a young age, he made her promise that she would spend the rest of her life pouring into the lives of others while they still had a life to live. He passed away in 2010 and since then, she has been on a path to stepping into her power. She spent years embracing her loud self.

Biggest Lesson in Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a challenge, but Carrie has learned that she can overcome any challenge that is put in front of her. You can too. Sometimes it’s easier to take the first step versus talking about it.

Perfectionism is another word for fear.

Work Life Harmony

Due to her corporate background, she found that you’re constantly having to prove yourself to everyone around you. She decided to not pursue this concept as an entrepreneur. When you are working, you work. When you leave, you need to focus on the thing in front of you. Leave the work at work. Additionally, there is time for fun every single day.

Resetting Your Mind with Physical Walks

Carrie Vee takes three walks a day—one in the morning sun, one in the noon sun, one in the evening sun. This has helped her body to physically feel better, but also helped her mind to reset and focus.

Embracing Who You’re Meant to Be

Carrie has the words “I am” written on her mirror and every single day she gives herself a new word. This is your encouragement to do the same so that you can continuously embrace who you’re meant to be.

I am empowered.

I am strong.

I am courageous.

I am successful.

I am worthy.

I am enough.

I am who I was created to be.


Connect with Carrie Vee:


Radical Empowerment Program

Radical Empowerment Program 2.0

Unlimited Gratitude


If you want to read the transcript, check it out below:


I am so excited to be here today with Carrie V. And Carrie has such a great energy around her. And Carrie, I have one question for you. If there is a woman listening today, what is one piece of advice that you might give her on how to achieve work life harmony?


Oh boy, I love this question, Susan. And thank you for inviting me here today. My piece of advice is this, we often as women are told things as we’re growing up as little girls, and we take hold of those things, and we create our identity around them. And we live a life that is not even our own. And so, when we’re trying to create work life harmony, my advice to you is this, all those things that were said, let them go. Dig deep. Find out who you are and step out into your own power and write your own story.


Oh, Carrie, I love love this. And I love the truth. And it’s real. It is real in what you do. So thank you. Thank you for sharing that piece of advice with us today. If you’re looking to break generational trauma and overcome excuses, while having a lot of fun, you will want to connect with Carrie Verrocchio, better known as Carrie V. Carrie and I are both founding members of Lady changemakers. And that’s how our paths crossed. I was quickly drawn to Carrie because of her light, her beautiful energy. And of course, her smile. I can’t wait for you to hear what makes her radiant soul shine. Carrie, I am so glad and honored. You’re here today. Will you tell us a little more about you?


Yes! A little bit about Carrie V, I come from a corporate background. That is who I was who I was told I was going to be that’s what you did you climb the corporate ladder and made a name for yourself. And I found myself hating every day of my life. And dreading going into work because I felt like I was in a cage I wanted to be out I knew that I had a voice. And I knew that there was more for me and I was terrified to follow it. And my brother got very, very sick. With cancer when he was in his mid 40s. And he died when he was 48. And sitting by his bedside. As he was dying, he took my hand and he said you have to promise me that you will spend the rest of your life pouring into the lives of others while they still have life to live. Get out of your cage, go do what you were created to live and it started me on a path, Um not linear. There’s been a lot of ups and downs on this path he passed away in 2010. And just really learning and growing and stepping into my own power and letting go of those, those things that have been said to me that I was too much, I was too gregarious, I was too loud. People told me to settle down all the time and sit down and be quiet, little girls are to be seen and not heard. And I had adopted all of this into my life. And I spent years getting that out and embracing my gregarious, loud, exuberant, vocal self.


And that is why your energy star shines and we are really seeing your radiance. So what wonderful words of wisdom your brother imparted on you? You know and in what an impact on your life, but also so many others. You know?


Yes. He was a wise man. I miss him. Yes.


Oh, Carrie, I love that story. And I can so relate because, you know, I was raised by workaholic parents, and a dad that was like, Okay, you’re gonna grow up, you’re gonna go to college, you’re going to be CEO of some major corporation and, oh my gosh, that was so far from the truth of who I was right? And it’s been a battle for so many years. So I didn’t have a brother that gave me those Wise Words of wisdom, but I’m thankful I found my true self. So Carrie, what is the biggest lesson that you have learned about yourself as an entrepreneur?


The biggest lesson I’ve learned about myself is that being an entrepreneur is, I was gonna use the word hard, but it’s not. It’s a challenge. And the biggest thing I’ve learned about myself is that I can overcome any challenge that is put in front of me. And so can you that that is what I’ve learned that we believe it’s hard. We believe things that we were told, right our whole lives, hey, easier said than done. We just assume that that must be true because that’s what somebody said to us. And the other day, I was just like, you know, what, what if it’s easier done than said, what if it’s easier to just get going and take the first step and start moving towards your goals, than to talk about it? What if we’re truly just wasting all of our energy talking? And not doing? That’s what I’ve learned about myself, is that I can truly overcome any challenge that is put in my way. And there are many.


Oh, every day, I think we have a challenge. You know, I really do. I love that. And, you know, I hear in the back of my mind when you say that, that oftentimes we, especially as women, we put perfectionism forward, right, that we don’t want to do something if we can’t do it perfectly. And that keeps us in inaction.


That’s right. That’s right. That’s right. And perfectionism is simply another name for fear. 


Ah, yes. Great point.


That is what it is. If I can’t do it exactly right. I’m not going to do anything at all. And that’s not the way that success is created.


Oh, I hear you. I hear you. So tell me what is the biggest lesson that you have had to learn about work life harmony? Coming from corporate, I just imagine you were push, push, push, push. You know, that’s how you get up that corporate success ladder.


That’s right.


So, what have you learned about work life harmony?


Okay. Yes, as corporate, you’re the first person in and you’re the last person to leave, you’re proving yourself. I’ll put that in air quotes. You’re proving yourself to your boss, to your superiors, that you are the person to promote because you are so super dedicated to the company, right? I mean, this is what we’re taught, so this is what we live. And my world was my job. And I never left my job. Even when I came home. My job came with me laptop was open, we’re watching a movie, but I’m working away. I’m taking phone calls. What I have learned is this. When you are working, I have my hours that I work, I am focused on work. But when I leave my office, it stays. And then I am focused on my family or I am focused on walking the dog. Wherever I am, is where I am focused. That’s the first thing. And the second thing is that every single day, there is time for fun, every day, every day, every day, every single day, creating fun taking pockets of fun. When I feel like I’m getting drained. I shut down the computer and I go out for a walk or I pick up the pom poms or I start to dance. But there is always time for fun every day and it’s not an option. It is critical.


You know that’s really leading into our answering the next question that I had you know is what do you do every day that makes your radiant soul shine. Right. And that having fun? I think you’ve nailed it. My followers on social know that on Friday mornings, I have a dance party. Because, yeah, I do finance Friday, every Friday morning, nine or 10 o’clock in the morning at the latest I am looking at the numbers. And it used to scare me to death and I hated it right. Now, I know how critical it is to know all those numbers, right? So you can run your business well. But what I do is I have a dance party before, bringing that fun in. So I love that you say, you know, every day you got to have fun, do something fun. I know another thing that you shared with me that I absolutely love is that you take three walks a day.


I do. 


Tell us a little more about that.


I am working with a hormone doctor in Arizona and this was one of the things that we talked about was to help your hormones reset. You get out in that morning sun as the sun is rising the afternoon sun and then the evening sun as dusk is coming in and that helps your body set the serotonin and the melatonin and the cortisol and all those things. So when I get up in the morning, I will take coffee out on the front porch and then walk the dog. I do the same thing around noon. Sometimes the dog doesn’t come depending on how hot it is at noon. And then at dusk when it’s cool again, I take her out again and it has not only helped my body physically to feel better, but it has helped my mind to focus. I focus on the Day, I take a reset, and I start to shut down in the evening. It has been magical. Some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten for myself, body, mind, soul, spirit in every way.


You know, I I’m so glad I asked that. Because I have been in the physical fitness world health coaching and all the stuff. The spiritual world, you know, I’m a yogi. And I have never heard that suggestion. And as you explained it, it’s absolutely fascinating, because I could see how that could work, with helping your body throughout the day. So that’s another great tip that I think we all should listen to. And thank you, thank you so much for sharing that.


You’re welcome.


I really appreciate it. Well, I have one big question left for you today. But before we do that, I just wanted to ask did you bring anything along for our listeners? Or do you have something new coming out for everyone?


I do! I will drop the link to you Susan, so you can put it in the show notes. My signature program, the radical empowerment method. Throughout the summer, I have dropped 50% off of that. And it is an online program that walks you through the exact method I used over the past 12 years to go from this burnt-out corporate life to living this life of my dreams. And it is a program I have poured my heart and soul into and I have an online program called unlimited gratitude, which is a huge part of my life. And that is a free gift. And any of your listeners, I will make sure they have the link for that. And that is a gift that I love, love giving out.


Oh, I can’t wait to get both of them. We will put the links in the show notes and on all the socials when we’re getting that out, so hang in there. If you’ve enjoyed this episode today, and it has you thinking about putting yourself first while running your business and living your life on purpose, and creating work life harmony, be sure to follow me on all my socials at SusanCrewsCo or reach out for a time to chat. If you would like to bring this energy to your next event, please reach out for speaking engagements at my website, Susancrewsco.com. So, Carrie, I have learned so much today and have some great takeaways. But looking back on all that you’ve shared and thinking about that woman who needs to hear from you today, what would be the biggest piece of advice or one thing that you would like to share with us about what you have learned in your transitions and seeking work life harmony.


This advice is something that I give myself every morning, and actually in my workout area, I have a huge mirror. And I have the words “I am” written across the top and every day I give myself a new word. I am empowered, I am strong. I am courageous. I am successful. I am worthy. And I would encourage you to do it with lipstick on your bathroom mirror. I don’t care where you do it. But write the words I am and fill in your new word every day. And give yourself the encouragement that you deserve. We grow up believing that we are not enough. And we are, we are. So every day, write it and say it to yourself all day long. I am enough. I am empowered. I am worthy. I am courageous. I am strong. I am powerful. I am who I was created to be.


Ah so beautiful. I tell you, I wish our listeners could see me because I have tears in my eyes. You know, it’s not easy to do. It’s not easy to do. But the more you do it, the more you believe in yourself and love yourself and I think that is so powerful. So, thank you. Thank you so much for sharing all of this. I hope everyone has enjoyed this episode of your radiant soul sisters. So many thanks to Carrie V for all the golden nuggets she has shared with us. Join us next time when we will shine the light on another radiant soul sister on her path to work life harmony and living her best life. Till then I’m your host Susan Crews. And you can find all of our resources, community and more on our website at SusanCrewsCo.Com