My Core Beliefs
I infuse the seven core beliefs into my daily living and coaching programs:
Self-love is the most important gift you can give yourself. We are amazing, beautiful individuals who are created to love ourselves well so our Light will shine bright and illuminate others.
Just like there is an abundance of breath there is an abundance of love and money. The Universe is always working to bring us more than we ever imagine.
Your Light was meant to shine, and positivity will make it brighter than negativity. Positivity makes the day feel better, spreads joy and makes the world a better place.
Create a Life YOU Love
Everyday you get to choose how to show up in the world. You get to experience life doing the things you love that will have an impact on yourself and others for years to come. Be UNIQUELY you!
EXPERIENCES are Greater than Things
The places your go and the people you do them with create far greater value in your life and theirs than any one material thing you buy.
Money is a spiritual, energetic tool that is made to flow. And the more money you make the more good you can do for my family, community, and the world.
LIFE is a symphony
Being in harmony creates flow and ease to move through the measures of life. Sometimes you play one instrument (think work, family care, self-care, etc..) louder or longer but then you return to beautiful harmony, and it all has impact and meaning.